Two Year
Agreement —
Henry Mayo Staff
Gain First Contract
Only one day
before a scheduled strike date, a majority of the nearly 500
employees of Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital represented by
UE Local 1004 voted
to accept the terms of their first collective bargaining
agreement. The new UE
members had mobilized to show their opposition to an unacceptable
"final offer" by the Santa Clarita, California
hospital's management in September and worked hard to build
community support for a fair settlement The struggle for a first
contract grew in intensity in recent months ...
"Our Work is Not
Yet Done" — 75 housekeeping and
food service workers employed by ISSI, a subcontractor at Henry
Mayo Hospital, as still engaged in their own first-contract
struggle ...
Concludes 25
Month Struggle —
First UE Contract
Ratified at Glastic
By a margin of more than 95%, workers
at the Glastic Corporation plastics factory have ratified their first
UE contract, successfully concluding a 25-month struggle which
featured protests from Jefferson to Japan. The new pact includes a
union shop, a solid grievance and arbitration procedure, limitations
on the use of temporary workers, an improved shift differential and
many other gains and protections for the approximately 120 workers at
the northeast Ohio factory ...
Early Talks Net
Big Gains for Local 243
Sargent Manufacturing workers, members of UE Local 243, have
ratified a new contract with the giant, world-wide lock manufacturing
company ASSA ABLOY — achieving all of their major goals, and six
months before the deadline. Local 243 has been mobilizing its members
for a big fight for the past year or so. Both sides knew that
negotiations were going to be tough ...
World of Work:
World Labor News Roundup
German Mega-Merger Falls on Last Hurdle - Rift in Canadian Union
Movement - ILO Slams Venezuelan Interference in Union - Rolls Royce to
Axe 5,000 Jobs - European Union Warns of Need to Raise Retirement Age
... (12/00)
UE Represented in
Massive Protest —
School of the Americas:
'Torture U'

More than 10,000 people from all over the Americas gathered at the
gates of Ft. Benning to protest the U.S. Army’s counterinsurgency training
program and demand the closing of the School of the Americas. More than 3,600 risked arrest by crossing onto the base in a massive
act of civil disobedience, and more than 2,100 protestors — including UE
members — were arrested and processed. In its 50-year history, the U.S. Army School of the Americas
has trained some 60,000 Latin American troops in commando tactics, military
intelligence, psychological operations and sniper fire. The targets of these
military tactics have been labor organizers and religious leaders, students
and teachers, peasants and workers ... (12/00)
Secures Bus, Builds Coalition
Other delegates were still on their way home from the 2000 UE
Convention when John Thompson, Local 690 was already busy
carrying out one of the recently adopted convention resolutions, with
a convention speaker in tow ... (12/00)
A Name on a Cross,
The Story of a Victim
Protestors who march on Fort Benning
carry crosses, each inscribed with the names of victims of graduates
of the U.S. Army School of the Americas. John Lambiase became
curious about the name on the cross he carried in last year’s
protest — Myrna Mack — and took steps to uncover the story.
Myrna Mack Chang was Guatemala’s leading anthropologist. She was
internationally known for her study of the effects of her country’s
civil war on indigenous people ... (12/00)
Upgrades Plus Wage
Light Up Wood River Settlement
Wood River Industries workers, members of amalgamated UE Local
155, have ratified a new three-year agreement. By a vote of 74-55,
union members accepted a pact which calls for wage increases totaling
85 cents — plus wage upgrades for 15 of the 26 job classifications.
These UE members produce electrical lighting fixtures ... (12/00)
Local 420 Members
Insulate Conditions, Benefits
With Star Porcelain Contract
Star Porcelain Co. workers, members of UE Local 420, have ratified
a new three-year agreement. Star workers produce a variety of
specialty porcelain electrical insulators. Employees with 20 years of
service will see an increase in vacation pay, up one-half percent from
9 to 9.5 percent of their prior year’s earnings ... (12/00)
Local 221 Members Beat
Concessions, Win Improvements
When management at Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity
(CVOEO) sat down to bargain with members of amalgamated UE Local 221
who work at their Community Action and Head Start programs, they came
wanting concessions. The union committee had to repeatedly explain to
management that UE members were not going to give away important on
the job protections and union rights just because management wanted
them ... (12/00)
Local 714
In Judicial Race Proves
A Winner for Working People
Local 714 took an active role in the November election for Erie
County, Ohio, domestic relations judge, bucking the Democratic Party
and disagreeing with the decision of the AFL-CIO. And the UE-endorsed
candidate won — demonstrating the effectiveness of the grassroots
political action. For these UE members, the race involved issues that
all-too-often hit close to home ... (12/00)
District Two Celebrates
UE History
— With a Local Angle, Too
Delegates to the District Two Council meeting here Oct. 20-21
celebrated UE’s 65th birthday in a special way — remarks by Genl.
Pres. John Hovis that highlighted the contributions of working
people here in this famous whaling port ... (12/00)
Lots to Consider
For District 6 Leaders
Delegates to the District Six Council here Oct. 21-22 had much to
say about collective bargaining (mostly successful), shop conditions
(mostly busy) and political action (also busy), and heard reports
about organizing (lots to do) and the elections (oh, brother!) ...
Valley" History Tour
PHOTO: UE Archivist David Rosenberg describes the artifacts and
records housed at the UE/Labor Archives at the University of
Pittsburgh to an Elderhostel group who spent Nov. 8 exploring the
legacy of "Electric Valley" near Pittsburgh ... (12/00)
District 1 Officers
Sworn In
PHOTO: Intl. Rep. Bruce Klipple gives the oath of office to the
recently elected officers of District 1 ... (12/00)
Local 924 GE
Hold Annual Dinner
PHOTO: More than 200 retired members of Local 924 and guests held
their annual dinner Oct. 3 ... (12/00)
Worked Hard
to Reestablish Haskon —
Local 204 Settles 'Best
Contract in Decades'
Overcoming the
effects of repeated plant sales and bankruptcy on working
conditions and unity, UE Local
204 has achieved a come-back contract at Haskon
in Taunton, Mass. Local 204 has represented Haskon workers for
more than 60 years; in recent years, the members had given a lot
to help keep the rubber sealing plant from closing permanently.
Now, times are better: business is booming and employment is up.
Looking forward to new negotiations, the local leadership made a
conscious effort to rebuild the unity that had been the hallmark
of Local 204 ... (11/00)
'We Don't Need
More Speeches' —
Practice Acts of Actual
Solidarity, Kingsley Tells
International Conference
Speeches and resolutions are okay, but
what unions around the world need are acts of real solidarity, UE Dir.
of Org. Bob Kingsley told a conference in Hakone, Japan. He
backed up this appeal by proposing a bold plan of cooperation between
UE and Japan’s militant National Confederation of Trade Unions (Zenroren)
... (11/00)
Labor Party Ballot Questions
Approved in Massachusetts
Labor Party-initiated ballot questions
on health care and education enjoyed wide support in selected
electoral districts on Nov. 7. In one State Senatorial district and in
two State Representative districts, voters overwhelmingly approved a
ballot question initiated by the Labor Party calling for a
single-payer health insurance system for Massachusetts residents. And
in six State Representative districts, a Labor Party-initiated
referendum calling for an end to required high stakes testing of high
school students received 2-to-1 approval ... (11/00)
Dorothy Johnson Wows
Progressive Law Crowd
At a National Lawyers Guild convention
workshop Dorothy Johnson brought gasps of
amazement, gales of laughter and cheers, as she shared her experiences
of being on strike for 17 months, told the story of how the local had
blown the whistle on the company during their last set of
negotiations, and explained what it means in the UE to be a democratic
union ... (11/00)
‘Hands Off Our Health Insurance!’
Say UE Local 223 Members
Local 223 members at General Cable
were ready for negotiations. Pres. Fred Garcia had his charts
and graphs and the members knew what they wanted and they were united
to get there. This year, issues were relatively simple: Maintain the
same insurance plan and co-pays, increase the pension and get a decent
wage increase ... (11/00)
Smooth Negotiations at
Antioch College Yield Results
Negotiations this year between UE Local
767 and Antioch College "were very, very good," reports
Local Pres. Virginia D. Garrette. "This was the first time
since ever that we have been able to reach an agreement in such a
short time, and without the College having a lawyer," she says
... (11/00)
Alloys See Wage Gains, Improvements
Industrial Alloys workers, members of
amalgamated UE Local 1421, ratified a contract in early November that
will raise wages by a total of $2.16 over five years, increase
benefits and improve conditions ... (11/00)
Head Start Workers
Win Fairness on the Job
Over a year after they first organized,
Head Start workers in three counties in the Northeast Kingdom of
Vermont have won a contract that ensures fairness on the job, a
process for dealing with overwork, and increases in paid leave ...
Picket Line Says "Trick or Treat"
On a picket line the night before Halloween, members of UE Local 1004
and the California Nurses Association (and lots of union kids) had a
message for management of Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital in
Santa Clarita, Calif.: ‘trick or treat.’ ... (11/00)
Local 893-IUP Leaders
Prepare for Bargaining
PHOTO: Leaders
of Local 893-Iowa United Professionals meet to prepare for bargaining
with the State of Iowa next year ... (11/00)
District One Council
Meeting Has a Lot to Say
Meeting only a few weeks before the
November elections, delegates to the District One Council meeting in
Wilkes-Barre, Pa., had plenty to say about political action. But there was
also considerable attention to pressing union business ... (11/00)
Reports from First-Contract
Struggles at District 10 Council
Two first-contract struggles being
waged by the newest local in District 10 created excitement at the
district council meeting in the Local 1010 hall in Ontario, California where
delegates, among other actions, elected their officers ... (11/00)
District 11 Council
Tackles Health Care
Discussions centered on skyrocketing
health insurance premiums as District Council 11 delegates met at the
Thunderbird Hotel here Oct. 14-15. UE leaders from around the North
Central States looked at the impact premium costs have on contract
negotiations around the District, and the political changes union
members must demand to make universal health care a reality ...
At Henry
Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital —
Local 1004 Seeks
Fairness in First Contract
UE Local 1004 and CNA members overwhelmingly reject "final
offer"; authorize actions aimed at winning a fair first
contract ...
Local 1004
and California Nurses Association (CNA) members, family and
friends gathered outside Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital
for a candlelight vigil, one of a number of activities in
support of the UE local’s campaign for a first contract. Just
one week earlier, management made a "final offer"
which failed to meet employees’ needs in a number of
significant areas and contained takeaways. "Basically we
are dealing with the management’s unwillingness to give up
their power," says Terry
Bucknall, an x-ray technician and negotiating committee
member ... (10/00)
Bright Day, Historic Victory
As Berlin Rehab Workers Vote UE
The sun, shining brightly in the
mountains hedging this central Vermont town, matched the mood of
Berlin Health and Rehabilitation employees as workers’ boisterous
cheers and bosses’ tears revealed that employees of the 150-bed,
for-profit home had overcome a nasty anti-union campaign and voted for
UE representation ... (10/00)
GATX Workers Prevail
In Vote for UE — Again!
The approximately 130 workers at the GATX Logistics warehouse
in nearby Hodgkins, Il. voted to join UE for the second time this year, in an election conducted by the National Labor Relations Board. Employees won
the first election but as result of a bureaucratic error
on the part of the NLRB, they were forced to face the company in a second
election. Given a second chance to beat UE, GATX poured tens of
thousands of dollars into consultants and anti-union meetings ... (10/00)
Local 271 Convinces
USM: No Concessions
Going into negotiations with United Shoe Machinery, UE Local
271 members had made it very clear: "Don’t mess with our healthcare,
and don’t expect any concessions." The company apparently didn’t get
the message — at first ... (10/00)
Local 791 Brings Public
To Nuclear Waste Transport Issue
Wasting no time, UE Local 791
took action this month on the resolution "Keep Highly Radioactive
Waste off Our Highways and Railways" adopted by the UE
Convention. Local 791 represents toll collectors and maintenance
workers on the Ohio Turnpike. The UE local joined with environmental
and safety activists to warn that turnpike workers could be vulnerable
to cancer-causing radiation if the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is
allowed to ship spent fuel from nuclear plant reactors through
northwest Ohio en route to Nevada’s Yucca Mountain ... (10/00)
Back Nicaraguan Union —
UE Members Take
Action Against Sweatshops
Union members here and in western
Pennsylvania have responded to repression of labor rights in Nicaragua
with protests at Kohl’s department stores. Kohl’s is among the
major U.S. retailers that purchase clothing produced in Central
American sweatshops. Five maquila assembly unions in Nicaragua have
been destroyed this year. Companies have targeted the largest and
strongest union, which represents workers at the Chentex factory ... (10/00)
Builds International Solidarity
UE members participated in an "eye-opening" worker-to-worker
exchange in Mexico that fostered international solidarity and
increased awareness of shared problems. As Local 1111 member Sue
Lukasik observed, "We all have the same problems
internationally, with different levels of severity." Hosted by
the Frente Autentico del Trabajo (FAT), the UE representatives were
part of an international delegation of trade unionists that also
included workers representing unions in Quebec ... (10/00)
World of Work:
World Labor News Roundup
16 Million European Workers on "Low Pay" ... Chernobyl to
Close This Year ... Germany to Abandon Nuclear Power ... Soccer
Players Score High in France ... (10/00)
Local 267 Hosts
Health Care Meeting
Political leaders and other members
of the community joined the Local 267 for a slide-show presentation of
the Labor Party’s ‘Just Health Care’ plan and a discussion of
the health care crisis ... (10/00)
Democratic and Republican
National Conventions —
In Philly and LA:
UE Marches for Justice
PHOTOS: Protesting
corporate greed at both ends of the country, UE members were on hand
for both the Republican and Democratic National Conventions earlier
this year ... (10/00)
(W)rightly Reinstated
PHOTO: Bruce
Moffitt was unjustly fired for poor attendance by Sodexho/Marriott at
Wright State University; the boss had improperly counted Moffitt’s
time off. But UE Local 792 stuck by Moffitt and got his job back ...
UE in Attendance
at First
ICEM Women's Meeting
Representatives of UE attended the
first-ever meeting of the women’s committee of the International
Confederation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers’ Unions
(ICEM) here on Sept. 26. Participants, who came from seven unions in
the United States and Canada ... (10/00)
On a Relay for Life,
And Her Union
is a cancer survivor and committed to
the UE local she helped to found nearly three years ago — and those
facts go a long way to explain the very obvious presence of the union
at the annual Mills County Relay for Life, raising funds for cancer
research. "There’s a lot of cancer in Iowa, so a lot of the
money stays in the state," Briels says. Relay 2000 raised a total
of $59,000 — $1,000.05, thanks to UE Local 865 ... (10/00)
Nader, Rally, Mural —
UE Convention
Electrifies Erie
the moment the 65th Annual UE National Convention opened
in Erie, it was non-stop action as convention activities grabbed
headlines and delegates made their way through a tight agenda.
Assembled from around the country, delegates heard from
speakers of substance, rallied for workers embroiled
in a first contract struggle, deliberated on more than 30
resolutions, inaugurated a vibrant, exciting mural celebrating
working women and international labor solidarity, acted
on constitutional amendments and elected UE's national
officers and trustees. In the process, they also reaffirmed
UE's historic commitment to militant, aggressive and democratic
rank-and-file unionism and aggressive organizing. Here's our
coverage of this unique event:
65th Annual
UE National Convention —
Rally, Mural,
Stewards’ Theme
Give an Edge to the UE
National Convention
[Press Release issued 8.25.00]
First Nursing Home Organized in
Vermont —
Berlin Health & Rehab
Workers Vote UE
In what may have been UE's hardest-fought election contest of the
year, 110 nursing home workers in Vermont overcame not one but two
unionbusters to win UE representation at Berlin Health and
Rehabilitation in an election held Thursday, August 10th. In
doing so, they also made history, becoming the first nursing home
workers ever to organize in the state of Vermont ... (08/00)
GATX Logistics Workers
Vote UE — Again
Defiantly persistent workers in Illinois have refused to be
bullied out of their determination to have a democratic, rank-and-file union,
by once again voting for UE representation, following an election in April
that was marred by bureaucratic bungling ... (08/00)
Respect — And $2.15
The First Year at Kenyon College
A sizeable wage increase, the absence
of a management attorney and a healthy dose of respect for the union
made negotiations this year between UE Local 712 and Kenyon College
something to remember. "I’ve been here 15 years, and this is
the best contract I’ve seen," says Local 712 Pres. Bob Smith.
This is only the second UE contract ... (08/00)
Local 865 Reaches
Two Contracts
With Glenwood Schools
Two contracts, described by many UE
members here as the best achieved since organization of their local
union three years ago, were ratified overwhelmingly by Local 865
members on July 12. The one-year agreements with the Glenwood
Community School District cover teacher associates and aides and
kitchen and custodial staff ... (08/00)
UE-General Electric
Contract 2000 Ratified
Each time
negotiations get more difficult," said Patrick Rafferty,
the business agent of UE Local 506, describing what it’s like
to bargain with the world’s most powerful corporation. That
assessment seemed particularly true in 2000. Despite its
publicized intention to negotiate a "fair and
generous" contract, GE came to the table with goals that
included major cost-shifting in medical insurance and a contract
term of five or more years. Through rallies and shop-floor
activities, UE members loudly and clearly backed their
negotiating committee through four weeks of often tense
bargaining ... (07/00)
Independent Steel
‘Takes Back Control’
With UE Affiliation
Declaring "it’s time to take
back control," members of the Progressive Steelworkers union have
decided to strengthen their organization through affiliation with UE.
The Progressive Steelworkers union represents the approximately 220
employees of the Niagara LaSalle steel mill here. The long-established
union enjoyed a good relationship with management, until LaSalle was
acquired by the Niagara Corp. three years ago ... (07/00)
North Carolina Campaign Helps
Win Largest Pay Increase in 15 Years
The "UE Campaign for Justice
2000" in North Carolina helped secure the largest wage
increase in 15 years for public employees in the state. The
Campaign was fueled by the members of UE Local 150, the North
Carolina Public Service Workers Union who organized, phoned,
lobbied and petitioned as part of their drive to win
decent pay and working conditions ... (07/00)
Wages Up, Health
Costs Down
In Local 227 – Adirondack
Community Action Contract
Head Start workers in upstate New
York have ratified their third contract with Adirondak Community
Action Programs, Inc., as members of UE Local 227. The new
agreement contains substantial improvements in wages, some
relief on health insurance costs, additional vacation time and
important education and training related language ... (07/00)
Gets Transportation
Authority Into Gear
Bus drivers and mechanics
employed by the Greenfield-Montague Transportation Area, (GMTA),
members of amalgamated UE Local 274, have been working since
July 1, 1999 without a contract. Until now. They recently
realized their goal of significant wage increases in a new
contract, following a public campaign aimed at their
public-sector employer ... (07/00)
Language, Economic
Gains for Meisner Electricians
Local 888 members have ratified a
new three-year agreement with Newton-based electrical contractor
Meisner Electric, Inc. at worksite meetings throughout central
and eastern Iowa. Through leaflets and regular communications,
the bargaining committee kept members at the various worksites
informed about the progress — or lack of it — at the table.
So when the company failed to move beyond 1 percent wage
increases or drop concessions on health insurance, workers voted
overwhelmingly to give the committee authorization to call a
strike ... (07/00)
To Northwest Automatic Strike
Union members at Northwest
Automatic Products waged a successful three and a half-week
strike to defend their contract and win important improvements.
The 100 members of amalgamated UE Local 1139 in Minneapolis
demonstrated 100 percent solidarity — not one scab crossing
the line. A rally just days before the settlement gave added
strength to the strike ... (07/00)
Respect, Bigger Wage
Increase For UE Members
At Wright State University
Smoother negotiations, no
concessions, a number of gains in contract protection, wages and
benefits, including a new paid holiday: all in all, good news
for UE Local 792 members, food service employees of Sodexho/Marriott
at Wright State University. "It turned out better than we
expected it to, but we fought hard for it," comments Local
Pres. Gwen Talbert ... (07/00)
Contract Reached
By Local 895, Perry Schools
A new two-year contract between
UE Local 895 and the Perry Community Schools effective July 1
increases base pay rates by 45 cents an hour. Local 895 members
voted overwhelmingly to ratify the agreement, one of the best in
Iowa for school districts of this size ... (07/00)
Local 893-56
Wins Best-Ever
Contract with ADM Schools
Although the Adel-Desoto-Minburn School
District will receive only 1.7 percent new money from the state
of Iowa next year, the union negotiated a 4.8 percent wage
increase. The union presented evidence that ADM had fallen
behind on wages when compared with other organized school
districts of its size in the area ... (07/00)
Local 893
Members Unanimously
Ratify Urbandale Schools Contract
The Urbandale School District used claims of
declining enrollment and skyrocketing insurance premiums in an
attempt to bully union members into concessions on benefits, but
the UE Local 893-16 negotiating committee stood firm ... (07/00)
Local 893
Members at Storm Lake
Ratify Fact Finder’s Award
The members of amalgamated UE Local 893
employed by the Storm Lake Community School District have
approved a fact finder’s recommendation after unsuccessful
attempts at reaching a voluntary agreement with the school
district ... (07/00)
School Custodians
Settle New Contract
Greenfield school
custodians, members of amalgamated UE Local 274, unanimously
ratified a new two-year contract containing a 3 percent wage
increase in each year ... (07/00)
Local 799 Has
Productive Meeting
With State Representative
State Representative Jon Peterson met with
members of UE Local 799 employed by Delaware City Schools at the May
membership meeting and promised to intervene in an ongoing dispute
with the employer. Local 799 Pres. Nina Williams and Vice Pres.
Shirley Thrush had met with Peterson’s aide during the UE
political action day in Columbus Feb. 17. (07/00)
District 2 Council: UE
In Northern New England
Here on the New Hampshire-Vermont border, where
unorganized workers are responding to UE’s message of organizing,
delegates to the District Two Council meeting heard first-hand reports
of those efforts — and their results ... (07/00) Free
Radio Takes Aim
At Corporate Media
NEWS FEATURE: The free radio movement is one that has exploded across the
country in recent years. It is estimated that there are currently over
1,000 "pirate" radio stations operating in the U.S. Free
radio is largely a response to the growing corporate control of media,
and the lack of access to the airwaves for voices of dissent ...
As Contract
Deadline Nears —
GE Workers Rally
For Fair Contract
workers have been rallying in recent weeks in support of the union’s demands
for a decent, balanced and fair new contract with General
Electric — including substantial wage and benefit improvements.
High levels of in-plant activity, in support of union
negotiators, has been reported at all UE-GE locations; here's our report on
rallies that have been held in California and Pennsylvania ...
UE Moves Forward
Negotiations With Circuit-Wise
Members of amalgamated UE Local
299 employed by Circuit-Wise have voted to accept a new
four-year agreement with Circuit-Wise. UE members had to let the
company know from day one that they refused any givebacks —
and they did: through strong, militant and loud rallies both
inside and outside the plant, informational picket lines,
stickers and buttons, newsletters, honking car horns and blowing
loud whistles throughout the shop ... (06/00) |
First UE Contract Brings
Change To Highland Schools
Members of the newly formed
UE Local 741 at the Highland School District in central
Ohio have unanimously accepted a first contract that
contains solid seniority and grievance language, major wage
improvements, relief from overstaffing, lower cost for health
insurance, and many other gains. These bus drivers, aides,
custodians, secretaries, and cooks voted by a two-to-one margin
to join UE in October 1999 ... (06/00)
Local 715 Members
With Three-Year Contract
A new three-year agreement
with the Edon operations of Simpson Industries, a manufacturer
of automobile parts, provides UE Local 715 members with
increased compensation and pensions, and creates a skilled
trades program that will add work to the bargaining unit. The
company came into negotiations insisting it must have a
"zero cost contract" ... (06/00)
General Executive Board
For Two Days of Intensive Discussions
After an "exciting four
months," UE seems to be "on its way to a better than average
year on the organizing front," reported Dir. of Org. Kingsley, as
the union's General Executive Board met in Pittsburgh for two days of
intensive discussions ... (06/00)
A Rank-and-File Approach
Mexican union members who
toured the United States last month helped put the slogan
"Globalize solidarity" into action as they met
workers, students and other concerned citizens in
California, Iowa and Wisconsin, recounting their stories
in union halls, universities, churches, community meetings
and private homes ... (06/00)
UE Local and Iowa Students
Take a Stand Against Sweatshops
The revival of the
coalition between student and labor activists became
dramatically evident on the University of Iowa campus this
spring as students here became involved in Students
Against Sweatshops (SAS). This student movement is
pressing university administrations to withdraw from a
corporate-dominated factory monitoring group ... (06/00)
Solidarity In Montreal
Members of Locals
221and 267 joined UE International Labor Affairs Dir. Robin
Alexander in Montreal for a conference celebrating the
25th anniversary of the Center for International Workers’
Solidarity (CISO). The UE members compared notes with the
Quebecois unionists on bargaining in the education sector,
welfare reform, and resisting corporate globalization ...

District 1 Council
With Basic Questions
In word and deed, delegates to the
District One Council grappled with how to gain power — in the
workplace and in society, to improve the lives of working people —
when Mid-Atlantic UE local leaders met here May 6. Delegates took to
the streets for a march and rally in support of the Labor Party’s
Just Healthcare campaign ... (06/00)
to UE Persistence,
Iowa Social Workers
Receive Overtime Checks
Carol Watchorn,
a member of UE Local 893, Iowa United Professionals, has reason to
smile. She received the largest individual backpay check from the
State of Iowa as a result of the overtime settlement negotiated by the
union. More than 100 state employees in the Social Worker III
classification share in an award totaling in excess of $300,000 ...
Good Samaritan
On the picket line at Good
Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles in a show of solidarity and support
for the California Nurses Association ... (06/00)
Kaplan, Veteran
UE Organizer, Dies at 84
Louis L. Kaplan,
an organizer with a reputation for toughness, energy and
fast-thinking, died May 6 at 84. He served on the UE staff from 1946
to 1970 as a field organizer and international representative, through
years when the union both faced terrific attacks and experienced
renewed growth ... (06/00)
Second Victory at Henry
Mayo —
Hospital, Food,
Housekeeping Staff Choose UE
of Integrated Support Solutions Inc. (ISSI), the for-profit
subcontractor providing Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital
with housekeeping, food and linen services have voted
by a two-to-one margin to join UE,
less than two months after some 500 hospital employees chose UE
representation. The workers cited low wages, irregular raises,
unaffordable health insurance, under-staffing and lack of
training as their reasons to organize. In addition, they are
seeking recognition of their years of service, and greater job
security ... (05/00) |
Call Issued to the 65th Convention
The 65th UE Convention has been
mailed to all local unions and district councils. The convention will take
place at the Avalon Hotel in Erie, Pa. from Sunday, Aug. 27 to Thursday,
Aug. 31, 2000. Complete convention information can be found year-round on
our Convention Information page.
Retirees Rally,
GE Pension Hike Follows
The hard work and
perseverance of General Electric retirees and union members in
demanding a pension increase got results as GE announced that a
pension hike, the first since November 1996, would go into
effect May 1. The company’s announcement came just days after
a series of retiree demonstrations ... (05/00)
Temporarily Denies UE Representation
130 workers employed by the GATX
warehouse near Chicago are gearing up for a high-profile fightback campaign
in the shop and the community to force their employer and old union to acknowledge
their UE victory. A Labor Board error has led to legal wrangling over the April 14 election in
which UE prevailed ... (05/00)
UE Members Say,
‘Close the IMF, Not Factories!’
For many of
the dozens of UE members who traveled long hours and miles to be in
Washington, D.C. on April 16, the slogan on the placard proudly
carried by Mike Schwertz, UE Local 690 recording secretary,
summarized why they were there: "Close the IMF Not
Factories." UE had the largest and most visible union contingent
among the 10,000 or more gathered in Washington to protest the
International Monetary Fund and World Bank ... (05/00)
Union Members from 5
Pledge Freudenberg Chain Solidarity
Trade unionists from five countries representing several thousand
employees of the Freudenberg Group pledged "support and
solidarity to each other" in efforts to organize and improve
conditions throughout the German-based chain. European workers
employed by Freudenberg were shocked and angry by their employers’
anti-union activity, and the long hours of American workers, in
meeting with unorganized workers in Indiana ... (05/00)
Tour for Justice
Two Mexican trade
unionists toured the Midwest and West last month, to tell their
stories of struggle in union halls, universities, churches and
community meetings. (05/00)
North Carolina Responds
To Protests by UE Local 150
In response to protests by UE Local
150, a task force appointed by Gov. Jim Hunt last month issued
a series of recommendations for elimination of racial discrimination
at the Eastern Carolina School for the Deaf ... (05/00)
For CDC Workers, Paid
Holiday Proof of Strength in Unity
Workers employed by Consolidated
Diesel Corp. are pressing management for wage increases and other
improvements, through the CDC Workers Unity Committee affiliated with
UE. They know from their own experience that united action can bring
results ... (05/00)
Package Printing
Workers Gain 3%
Each Year, Hike in Shift Premium
The members of amalgamated UE Local
264 employed at Package Printing overwhelmingly ratified a new
three-year agreement on March 31. The leverage created by the strike
three years ago, energetic new shop leadership and a mobilized
membership saw negotiations through to a satisfactory conclusion ...
Business Improves, So Does
Local 259 Contract with Atlas
Negotiations between UE Local 259
and Atlas Copco coincided with an upswing in business that allowed for a
swift and successful conclusion to bargaining. Total wage increases over
three years will average $2.06 an hour ... (05/00)
Political Action
UE Demands
New Priorities in Harrisburg
May 8 was not a day for
business-as-usual in Pennsylvania’s capitol, as the first UE
Political Action Day here in more than 20 years featured both
education and lobbying. In more than 30 meetings with lawmakers, the
UE members raised their concern about the loss of manufacturing jobs,
Gov. Ridge’s attacks on the unemployment compensation system, high
prescription drug prices, the lack of affordable health care,
privatization and the need for a living wage. Legislator's responses
ranged from "outstanding" to absolutely outrageous and
cold-hearted ... (05/00)
Bay State Locals
Legislative Program
Union members from
around the Bay State gathered here on April 25 at the New England
Labor Party headquarters for the first UE Massachusetts Political
Action Day in many years. Delegates discussed and educated themselves
on issues of concern to working people before walking across Boston
Common to the State House to lobby their state legislators. In
particular, delegates considered the Labor Party campaigns on health
care and public education, as well as the workers’ compensation
system and paid parental leave. (05/00)
Local 731 Meets
With State Representative
The rank-and-file leaders who attended the UE Ohio Political
Action Day in Columbus on Feb. 17 were encouraged to set up meetings with
lawmakers back home. Two UE Local 731 members did just that ... (05/00)
(In addition to the stories above,
UE Political Action days have also been held this year
in Iowa, Ohio,
Wisconsin and Vermont.)
Local 123
'Thumbs Up' To
Contract; Solidarity
Local 123 members
in Verona, Virginia have given "thumbs up" to a new
three-year contract, approving
the agreement with McQuay International by a vote of 188-88.
Throughout the six weeks of negotiations, UE members at the air
conditioning plant gave "thumbs up" to renewed
solidarity, using the gesture to indicate support for the union’s
bargaining goals. Solidarity was strengthened by improved
communications, several rallies and meetings and in-shop
activity. Concerns about outsourcing and an inadequate
retirement plan fueled the Local 123 campaign for a decent
contract ... (04/00) |
UE Adopts
Bargaining Demands
The leaders
of UE locals representing General Electric workers have adopted
bargaining proposals calling for across-the-board contract
improvements from a wealthy, successful company uniquely
positioned to pay ... (04/00)
Local 1193 Reports
Gains in Contract
With St. Mary’s Nursing Home
Local 1193 reached a new two-year
agreement with St. Mary’s Nursing Home on March 20 launching a
training program and provides an immediate 4 percent wage increase, as
well as raises of 4 percent the first year and 5 percent the second
year ... (04/00)
Talks at Western Dubuque
Schools Conclude with Settlement
After months of stalled
talks, UE Local 893 concluded negotiations with the Western Dubuque
School District with the assistance of a mediator ... (04/00)
Detours Here: Cedar County
Road Crew Approves Steady Gains
The Cedar County Secondary
Road Crew, members of amalgamated UE Local 893, voted heavily in favor
on negotiated contract gains following completion of bargaining. The
new three-year agreement includes across-the-board wage increases of
40, 45 and 45 cents, effective July 1 of each year covered by the
contract. The wage increases will average 3 percent ... (04/00)
Member Beaten
By New York Cops
While Doing His Job
Errol Maitland, a radio journalist, was doing his job
— covering the funeral of yet another unarmed immigrant shot to death by New
York police — when he himself became a victim of police assault. Police pummeling put Maitland in the hospital — where he was
shackled to his bed and placed under guard. The assault was actually heard
live on New York's WBAI ... (04/00)
World Bank Protest
UE boasted a visible presence and the largest union contingent at the April 16
rally against the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in Washington,
D.C. ... (04/00)
UE Members
Demand New Legislative Priorities
Wisconsin UE’s second
annual Political Action Day brought UE local representatives to the
State Capitol to meet with legislators on a range of issues of vital
importance to their co-workers and neighbors. They insisted on a new
set of priorities, placing the needs of working people before those of
big business ... (04/00)
UE Makes
In Vermont’s Capital
Gathered from all over Vermont for
their union’s state Political Action Day, UE members learned about
current state issues and lobbied their state legislators for a
working-class agenda. Among the workers’ issues before the
legislature are raising the minimum wage, giving workers 12 weeks of
paid parental leave which could be subsidized by the overfunded
unemployment fund, and controlling the price of prescription drugs. By
coincidence, Chamber of Commerce lobbyists spent the day in the state
capitol as well, arguing for a very different agenda. UE members stood
out ... (04/00)
World of Work:
World Labor News Roundup
Russian Unions Fight Low Pay ... Guatemalan Unions Fight Goodyear ...
Irish Unions: Three-Year Pay Deal ... Italy Set to Pass Strike Curb
Law ... British Government Lets Down Part Timers, Says TUC ... (04/00)
Essay Contest Builds
Mural Project Awareness
Erie school children are being invited to participate in essay and
poster contests in connection with the Cruzando Fronteras/Crossing
Borders mural project. Two internationally known mural artists will
collaborate on a mural to be created at the UE Local 506 union hall in
August 2000 ... (04/00)
New Local 751 Officers
The officers of UE Local 751 for the year 2000. Local 751 represents
workers at General Electric’s Niles and Mahoning Glass lighting
plants in Niles, Ohio. ... (04/00)
Quinto, 71, Local 212
Leader, Passes Away
Alfred A. Quinto, 71, a
long-time leader of UE Local 212, died April 9. Brother Quinto went to
work for the Beloit-Jones Corp., a major manufacturer of paper-making
machinery, in 1956. There he became a member of UE Local 212, serving
the membership for many years as president, and retiring in 1992 ...
Hopke Simmons,
Former UE Organizer, Dies at 88
She traveled the country
organizing for UE, and went to jail, at least once, as a result.
Julius Emspak, a UE general secretary-treasurer, referred to her as
"The Polish Lioness." Long-time friend Frank Rosen says
"The world is a better place wherever Loretta passed
through." ... (04/00)
From America’s Story
In Eastern Iowa
For Czechs and Slovaks, footloose Easterners, African-Americans from
the South, Muslims and Jews and many, many others, Iowa was the end of
the road, the final destination. That was true, too, for the Native
American people best known as the Fox tribe ... Our story is filled
with the places you can go to learn more about the peoples who have
made the history of eastern Iowa ... (04/00)
'Couldn't Be Anything
Better' —
Mayo Hospital Staff
Unites Through UE
Fueled by a
growing concern over patient care, understaffing,
declining benefits and a five-year wage freeze, the staff at the
Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital in Santa Clarita, Calif. votes for UE representation by a nearly four-to-one margin. They
had the active support of registered nurses at Henry Mayo, who
voted last August to join the California Nurses Association. The
approximately 510 employees — licensed vocational nursing
staff, technicians in Radiology, Lab and Respiratory, clerks and
support staff — represent roughly half the hospital’s total
work force. Here's the
story ... (03/00) |
First UE Contract
With Penske Logistics
For New Local 112
The members of newly established UE Local 112,
Bethlehem Drivers and Dockworkers, have ratified their first contract with Penske
Logistics Inc. since affiliating their independent union with UE. Prior to organizing their independent union, these Penske
workers had been stuck in a large business-type union which provided no
assistance in enforcing a vague contract they didn’t have the right to
ratify. Upon affiliation with UE the nearly 60 members began immediately
participating in contract meetings, preparing their contract demands and
electing their committee ... (03/00)
UE Backs Students
Sweatshop Conditions World-Wide
University of Wisconsin
students protesting the use of sweatshop labor in the production of
university-licensed clothing had UE-backing during their demonstration
— and when the university administration had them forcibly evicted
and dragged off to jail ... (03/00)
Successful Political Action Day
In Ohio Gets Message Across
From General Electric plants and
college campuses, school districts, the Ohio Turnpike, a plastics
factory and foundry, UE members from around Ohio gathered in the state
capitol to bring their union’s message to state legislators ...
Local 319 Settles
Contract with Battenfeld Grease
Battenfeld Grease and Oil Workers, members
of UE Local 319, have ratified a new three-year agreement that will
raise wages 30 to 34 cents each year of the contract. Spirited,
in-plant struggle thoroughly defeated management attempts to have
employees pay health-care premium increases and to eliminate the
one-week July plant shutdown ... (03/00
Contract Reached At Seagull
Lighting, Philadelphia Glass
By a three-to-one margin, UE Local 168
members voted on Feb. 2 to ratify a new contract with Seagull Lighting
and Philadelphia Glass Bending. The two shops have the same owner ...
Mondo Paper Workers Gain
$1.15 in 1-Year Agreement
Mondo Paper Co. employees, members of
amalgamated UE Local 404, have ratified a new one year agreement. The
contract will raise the average rate by $1.15 this year. Right up to
the final hours of negotiations, the company pushed hard for givebacks
... (03/00
District 6 Welcomes TEMCO
Workers And Local 684
A new local charter for a proud
delegation of TEMCO workers ... global, national and local political
issues ... shop reports ... and even a "volleyball
grievance" ... were all on the agenda at the February UE District
6 Council meeting ... (03/00
11 Discussion:
From Global Economy
To Shop-Floor Organizing
Shop-floor organizing,
politics and economy filled reports and discussion as leaders of UE
locals from Nebraska to Wisconsin gathered in Milwaukee for the
February, 2000 UE District 11 Council meeting ... (03/00
The Nation’s
Struggle For Its Soul
Nearly 32 years ago, on April 4, 1968, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was
assassinated while in Memphis, Tennessee to assist striking sanitation
workers. The story of the sanitation workers’ strike and the events
of 1968 are told by a permanent exhibition at the National Civil
Rights Museum, located, appropriately, in Memphis — in the Lorraine
Motel, site of Dr. King’s assassination ... (03/00)
Henry Mayo Hospital Workers
Vote Resoundingly for UE ...
Winning by more than a three-to-one margin, UE scored a resounding victory on Thursday, February 24th, when ballots were counted in the NLRB election at Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital in Santa Clarita, California. The vote was 288 to 77 in in favor of UE in a unit of approximately 510 service, maintenance and technical workers at the hospital. The results were phoned in to the national union at about 12:30 am EST on Friday
... (02/00)
Call for Reinvestment,
Too —
Local 218 Members Ratify
New Contract; Gain $1.78 Average
Members of amalgamated UE Local
218 employed by Fellows Gear Shaper Co. (the Fellows Corp.)
ratified a new three-year contract following negotiations marked
by sharp in-shop activities in support of the negotiating
committee. The union gained strengthened protection against
subcontracting and issued a clear demand for reinvestment in the
business ...
770 Members
Approve New Contract;
Major Pension Increase
Workers at the three Hendrickson
Truck Suspension Systems plants in Kendallville and Butler, members of
UE Local 770, have voted to approve a new three-year contract. The
pension multiplier, which was $23.50, immediately jumps to $28. Wages
are increased by 3.5 percent, 3 percent and 3 percent over the three
years of the contract ... (02/00)
279 Improves
Wages, Benefits;
Fends Off Givebacks
The members of UE Local 279 have
ratified a new three-year contract with Atwood & Morrill Co. Inc.,
a manufacturer of large valves and control equipment. Atwood &
Morrill is owned by the Weir Group, based in Glasgow, Scotland.
In-shop solidarity sent a clear message that Local 279 members were
determined to maintain fully company-paid insurance and 10 percent
shift differential, despite the employer’s takeaway demands. The
agreement contains wage increases of 3 percent each year; the average
hourly wage at the expiration of the previous agreement was $16.93 ...
Workers Gain $1.15
Over 3 Years, Defend Past Benefits
API Harowe workers, members of
amalgamated UE Local 155, have ratified a new three-year agreement
that will increase wages by $1.15 an hour while protecting past
benefits. UE members mounted a concerted — and successful — effort
on the shop floor to prevent modification of s long-established earned
time policy ... (02/00)
Workers Hold
Insurance Costs;
Make Pay, Benefit Gains
Lamson and Goodnow workers, members of
amalgamated UE Local 274, have reached a new two-year agreement with
the new owners of the more than 100-year-old cutlery manufacturer. The
contract includes a 20-cent wage increase in both years, higher
sickness and accident benefits, an additional step in the discipline
policy and a lid on health insurance costs ... (02/00)
1010 Fights GE's Plans
To Move Jet Engine Jobs
UE Local 1010 is
fighting back against General Electric’s plan to transfer 125
jobs to company facilities in Scotland and Brazil. Local 1010
members, nearly all of whom are highly skilled mechanics,
overhaul and maintain GE aircraft engines. Local 1010 protested
the pre-Christmas announcement with demonstrations outside the
plant on all three shifts ... Scottish
Workers Contend With GE's Anti-Union Hostility
Meanwhile, GE's
best-laid plans to exploit aircraft engine workers have run
smack into a union organizing drive in Scotland. In typical
fashion, GE is not only resisting union recognition, but is
threatening its workers as well ...
Urges GE
To Increase Retiree Pensions
John Hovis,
the union’s national president, made a holiday appeal to
General Electric for an immediate and substantial increase in
the pension benefits received by the company’s retired
workers. Hovis also called on GE to substantially increase the
minimum pension multiplier. (02/00)
Iowa UE Activists Advance Agenda
The seventh annual Iowa UE
Political Action Day was 'upbeat ... and terrific' with UE members
attending workshops, holding extensive discussions with legislators
and meeting with Gov. Tom Vilsack. The governor, unlike his predecessor,
promised state workers that his administration would do something
about their plight of of having to work in a system that is
"often tragically underfunded" ... (02/00)
UE Leaders Hear Reports
Of Growth Since Convention
The UE General Executive Board (GEB),
chartered two new locals at its recent meeting in Pittsburgh. Since the
closing of the 64th UE Convention on Sept. 1 of last year, UE has scored
with five organizing wins, covering about 550 workers, and experienced two
losses, Dir. of Org. Bob Kingsley reported. The new UE members
include factory, warehouse, school, corrections and nursing home workers and
will contribute to the growth of four UE districts ... (02/00)
World of Work:
World Labor News Roundup
Giant German Union Fights for Higher Wages and Retirement at Age 60
... Joblessness is Down in France as the Country Readies for the
35-Hour Week ... Japanese Union Protests Nissan/Renault Job Cuts ...
South African Unions Protest Unemployment ... (02/00)
715 Union Pioneer
Looks to Past And Future
Local 715 officers recently
congratulated Jim Vandevoorde, one of the local union’s
founders, on the occasion of his retirement. Jim began work at the
small Edon plant of Simpson Industries in 1962 ... (02/00) Joe
Pagano Dies; Retired Leader
Of Local 155, District One
Joseph Pagano, 81, a tool
and die maker, long-time leader of UE District One and former member
of the union’s General Executive Board, died Jan. 18. He was, as the
Philadelphia Daily News reported, one whose personality
"could cross all generational, racial and cultural
boundaries." ... (02/00) June
Bobich Dies; Local
610 Secretary for 43 Years
June Bobich, 77, retired
secretary of UE Local 610, died Dec. 28, 1999. Hired in 1945, Bobich
worked for Local 610 for 43 years. Bobich staffed the union hall
during the height of the Cold War assault on UE, which included
government and employer attacks on Local 610 leaders ... (02/00)
Local 112,
Pennsylvania Drivers
And Dockworkers Union
The most recent additions to the UE family in District One pose for
the camera of Intl. Rep. Bruce Klipple: the members of Local 112,
Pennsylvania Drivers and Dock-workers Union. These employees of
Bethlehem, Pa.-based Penske Transportation Services Inc. voted in
October to affiliate their independent union to UE ... (02/00)
Whistlin’ Dixie,
Or Spring Ahead?
Just For Fun:
Now here’s a news flash: There’s a lot of winter left. Or not. It
all depends on what groundhog you ask ... (02/00)
TEMCO Workers Choose UE;
Reject Fear Campaign
The 239 employees of The Electric Materials Company (TEMCO) will
have UE backing as they insist on reversing a decline in wage
and benefits at the specialty copper mill in North East,
Rank-and-file volunteers from UE locals had a crucial role in a
closely-fought election, offsetting the employers’ intensive
anti-union campaign ... (01/00) |
893 Gets Back Pay
Award Totaling $300,000
Union persistence in making the boss do
the right thing will result in more than 100 State of Iowa employees
sharing in a settlement totaling in excess of $300,000. The settlement
represents a second overtime payment victory for UE Local 893, Iowa
United Professionals. The case began several years ago when UE
persuaded the Labor Dept. to investigate the State’s failure to pay
overtime to employees ... (01/00)
258 Wins Nearly $24,000
For Member Unjustly Laid Off
A grievance fought by UE Local 258 on
behalf of a Cone-Blanchard Machine worker unjustly laid off in
violation of the union contract led to an arbitration settlement of
nearly $24,000. (01/00)
151 Continues
Struggle After Expiration;
Gains Decent Contract
Local 151 members conducted an in-plant struggle for nearly three
months beyond contract expiration, succeeding in substantially
improving the Aetna Bearing’s offer and gaining an acceptable new
three-year agreement ... (01/00)
796 Prevails
In ‘Hellish’ Talks
With McGregor School
After "a heck of a fight" and
"hellish" negotiations with Antioch College’s McGregor
School, UE Local 796 members finally concluded a new contract. The 16
union members faced an arrogant, highly confrontational administration
unwilling to participate in real bargaining. In addition to their own
determination to see justice done, the Local 796 members enjoyed the
active support of students and UE Local 767, Antioch College staff.
Fight for Job Security,
Livable Wages For All
The current session of the Vermont legislature began on Jan. 4, but UE
local leaders were already busy informing the legislature of their
members’ needs well before the onset of the legislative season.
Members have mobilized with other Vermonters around job security
issues and the pitiful state of wages in our "booming"
economy ... (01/00)
‘Lifetime’ Job
Security Under Attack
INTERNATIONAL: Japan’s "lifetime" job security system is
under attack — and Zenroren, UE’s sister union, is taking a
leading role in the fight against corporate restructuring ... (01/00)
506 Receives
First Annual
‘Unity In Diversity’ Award
The UE Local 506 Unity Committee has
received the first annual "Unity in Diversity" award from
Citizens Against Racism in Erie (CARE) for its work in promoting
tolerance and understanding within the workforce employed at General
Electric’s plant here ... (01/00)
Karen Silkwood, Union Martyr
A New York Labor Party event brought out the stars including actress
Meryl Streep, commemorating the life of Karen Silkwood, a union
activist who is remembered as a martyr for giving her life in
defending the rights of working people. Here's our story on the event,
including an overview of the movie that recounts her story ... (01/00)
Local 712 Members
Show Solidarity
In Steelworkers' Struggle
PHOTO: Local 712 members at Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio were
locked out for nearly 50 days two and a half years ago, so when they
heard that locked-out Steelworkers were having a rally in Mansfield,
about 20 miles away, several decided to be there. (01/00)
'Pay Workers, Not Lawyers',
Local 799 Members Tell School Board
PHOTO: ‘Pay your workers, not your lawyers,’ UE Local 799 members
told the Delaware, Ohio City School Board on Nov. 29. The School Board
has refused to honor a contract provision providing annual step rate
increases to employees not at the top of their pay scales in the case
of 15 custodians and bus drivers ... (01/00)
District 10 Officers
PHOTO: Elected officers of UE District 10 at
last October’s District Council meeting ... (01/00)