Materials and Workshops
available to UE local unions from the UE Education department.
Resources: our on-line catalog of materials available to UE locals, members and the public.
Web links and resources based on information contained in the UE Leadership Guide.
for Workers:
information for stewards, officers, UE members and workers from the pages of two UE publications ...
UE Education
Programs, Resources and Materials
For UE Leaders and Members
The UE Education Program
Rank-and-file unionism depends on active and involved local union officers and members. The UE National
Education Program is designed to provide the education and training necessary for members to run their own effective local
unions. As directed by the members at the union's national convention, the UE Education Program
The UE Education Department also publishes the UE Steward ten times a year for stewards and officers
and provides new educational materials and resources for local unions on a regular basis. A number of articles from the UE
Steward are available on-line (in our "Information for Workers area) as is the entire UE
Resources Catalog.
UE Leadership Guide
On-Line Supplement
The 570+ page UE Leadership Guide has an on-line supplement, providing links to additional
and updated information. |