Health & Safety
Be careful not to take health and safety for granted. Every
workplace should have a Health and Safety Committee and every Health & Safety Committee should inspect the
Heath and Safety Articles
by Dave Kotelchuck
(These articles previously appeared in the UE
and are listed in their publication date order. If you are
looking for a specific term, try using the UE search page
or the search box at the bottom of this page.)
McWane, Inc:
A Tale From Dickens
A recent investigative report by Frontline,
the New York Times and the CBC revealed to many Americans what many working people knew already: the pursuit of the bottom line
by many companies means workers endure truly hellish working conditions every day. (January, 2003)
Bushwhacking OSHA
And the Environment
In April 2002, the Bush Administration promised it would "quickly and effectively" address
workplace ergonomics issues (after having killed OSHA's ergonomics proposal a year earlier). Eight months later, there's
been no movement on this promise. The message to workers is still: "suffer". (December, 2002)
Mercury: Workplace Hazard
Mercury has been in the news a lot recently, mostly because of its effect on the environment. But, what many
people don't realize, is that mercury – even in tiny amounts – can be a dangerous workplace hazard. In addition to
manufacturing plants, mercury can be found in many workplaces, ranging from schools to hospitals. (July, 2002)
Cleanup at the World Trade
Center Site: Lessons Learned
The cleanup of the World Trade Center site has ended well ahead of schedule, well below the estimated cost
and, despite the dangerous work, with far fewer injuries than statistics would have predicted. Surprised? Don't be: this was
a job done entirely by union workers in a workplace where everyone was committed to safety. (June, 2002)
OSHA's New Ergonomic Guidelines:
A Plan to Develop a Plan?
In what amounts to an "empty suit", the Bush Administration has announced that it has 'plan to
develop a plan to deal with ergonomic issues in the workplace' ... while tens — even hundreds — of thousands of workers
continue to suffer from repetitive stress injuries suffered on the job with no relief in sight. (April, 2002)
Writing Emergency Plans and Bringing Them to Life
Every workplace needs to have an emergency plan if lives are to be saved if and when disaster hits. Workers
should be involved in creating the plan and, most important, it must be practiced by everyone if it's to work when needed.
Here are Dave's thoughts on how to create an emergency plan ... and make it work when needed ... (March,
Planning for Emergencies
The emergency response plans practiced at the World Trade Center played a major role in saving lives among
the 20,000 people who survived. The same type of plan could be critically important in your workplace, too ... (February,
Reflections on Life And Safety After WTC
Dave Kotelchuck lives and works in New York ... here are his thoughts and reflections about 9-11-2001 ... (November,
Astounding Grace and Asbestos
Another U.S. corporation puts its workers — and many others — in deadly danger ... and then ducks its
responsibility. This story involves W.R. Grace and Company, the manufacturer of an fireproofing spray containing
"asbestos-free" verimiculite. But the product wasn't asbestos free — not for the workers that mined the raw
material, nor for the construction workers who sprayed it without respirator protection ... (July, 2001)
Ersatz Ergonomics
Called 'a sham and a fraud backed by industry and Republicans in Congress,' the new Secretary of Labor is
planning a series of three public 'forums' in July to gather answers to that perplexing question of ergonomics and ergonomic
injuries. The problem, says Dave, are that the questions that will be asked are one-sided, reflecting only concerns and
issues raised by industry opponents. And, besides, they're questions that have already been asked ... and answered ... (June,
Arsenic and 'Sound Science'
According to President George W. Bush, we need to develop more "sound science" about harmful levels
of arsenic in drinking water (at least, that's what he said as he killed regulations proposed by the Clinton Administration
to limit the amount of arsenic permitted). The problem is: we do have "sound science" about arsenic and it's
dangers ... not only in our drinking water, but in the home and at work, too. Here's the real story ... (May,
Indoor Air Quality:
An Old Problem Reappears
Problems with polluted air and poor indoor air quality have been known for decades. But in the past few
decades these problems have grown much worse, especially for workers in offices, whether in office buildings or in-plant
offices. And some of these problems, such as toxic mold growth, can affect people at any worksite. (Originally published
in two parts: March and April 2001)
Fighting for an Ergonomics Standard
'The union movement has spent a decade fighting for an ergonomics standard — and saw it wiped-out in record
time by an anti-worker Congress and President. Here's an overview of the protections we would have had if it were not for
the greed of corporate America. (December, 2000)
Republicans Hold Government
Hostage Over Ergonomics Standard
The Clinton Administration, as promised, has taken steps to implement a new ergonomics standard, despite the
best efforts of Republicans and business to keep this long-delayed measure from seeing the light of day (scuttling a
pre-election fy2001 budget-agreement to do so). Dave says the proposed standard is modest – despite reports that business
is "enraged" ... (November, 2000)
Another Asbestos Industry Bailout Bill:
They're Guilty, We Pay?
Speed and stealth are what some members of Congress are counting on as they work hard to saddle taxpayers,
distracted by the election, with an asbestos industry bailout. Find out more about this undemocratic disgrace ...
(October, 2000)
Youth and Child Labor
Of the 4 million young people ages 15-17 working this summer (and 2.9 million working during the school
year), some 200,000 to 300,000 will be injured, and it's likely about 67 will die, according to government figures — which
may be understated ... (July, 2000)
Bingo! You Lose! (And Other Unsafe Acts)
With OSHA under attack and managers seeking to cover up workplace injuries, employers are returning to some
very dangerous "workplace safety" programs. Dave tells us why the final result is almost always "Bingo! You
Lose!" ... (June, 2000)
The Sad Tale of Libby, Montana
Ever hear of "Zonolite"? You may have used it in your garden ... or as insulation. But it can be
deadly ... as we learn in yet another story of how regulators and companies put profit ahead of safety and human life
... (May, 2000)
The Asbestos (Company)
Compensation Bill — Part II
How did an outrageous anti-worker asbestos "compensation" bill get as far as it has in Congress?
Dave follows the power-players and the money behind this story ... and gives us the good news that he erred in reporting the
bill has passed in the Senate ... (April, 2000)
Asbestos Compensation: A Killer Idea ...
Once again, it's profit before human life and suffering, as legislation before Congress threatens to take
away the rights of workers poisoned by their employers through asbestos exposure. Here's the story on this outrageous attack
... (March, 2000)
OSHA Homework
Whether it's piece-work or hi-tech, if you're among the growing number of workers paid to toil at home,
you're covered by the law. At least, you should be — despite OSHA's hasty retreat on home health and safety. Dave tells us
why ... (February, 2000)
Looking Back Over the Century
Workplace health and safety has improved dramatically during the course of the 20th Century ... progress that
was due almost solely to the struggles of working men and women to organize themselves into trade unions. Here's the story
... (January, 2000)
Two Cheers for Half an Ergo Standard
It took ten years of fighting intense employer opposition, but OSHA has finally released its
proposed ergonomic standard covering manufacturing workers. That's the good news for some of the workers at risk from
repetitive stress disorder. The bad news: office workers will not automatically be covered. (December, 1999)
Say It Ain’t So, Everett!
It's bad enough that many health care workers are not aware of potentially life-threatening
reactions to commonly-used latex gloves, but it's even worse when a respected public figure downplays the dangers for
reasons that can only be called suspect in testimony before Congress. (November, 1999)
Ergoban Defeated!
Once again there is at least the possibility of an OSHA-issued ergonomics standard to combat an
injuries that have been suffered by more than two-and-one-half million U.S. workers. Senate Republicans have, for the
moment, backed off on their efforts to thwart action on this issue — but big business is still pushing the Republican
majority to keep ergonomics off OSHA's agenda. (October 1999)
OSHA Moves To
Expand Worker Rights
OSHA has proposed a new standard that would broadly include workers in voluntary workplace inspections
(federally-funded health and safety consultation services). If the new regs are approved, workers would accompany inspectors
and the employer would be required to post the hazards found ... a major change from past practice. In suggesting the new
standard, OSHA is admitting what workers knew all along — we know where the hazards are! (July, 1999)
You've Found the Hazards —
Now What Do You Do?
Your local’s health and safety committee has done a walk-through survey of your plant and
they have found a number of new health and safety hazards. What’s next? What can you and your union local do to control,
or better yet, eliminate these hazards? Here's Dave's overview of handling safety issues at work — especially when
there are a lot of them. (June, 1999)
Beryllium: A 'Deadly Alliance'
A secret deal by a U.S. government agency, exposed in a series of Toledo Blade articles, has meant a
very real and very high risk of contracting a deadly and incurable lung disease for hundreds of workers. The substance
involved is beryllium, a metal UE once fought to eliminate from manufacturing plants ... but later became prized in weapons
manufacturing and the space program. Find out more about why you should be angry ... and what we can do ... (May, 1999)
A Cautionary Tale
Could an international organization strike down health and safety protections for workers in the
United States? One of the first examples of this emerging threat under international trade agreements involves Monsanto
Corporation, the Canadian Government and the World Health Organization and the outcome could easily be a cautionary tale of
things to come ... (March, 1999)
Work Injuries Down?
Check Your OSHA Logs
Have workplace injuries really dropped to their lowest levels since OSHA went into effect in
1971? Probably not, says Dave. More likely, employers are underreporting injuries. Is yours? February is the month to find
out ... (January, 1999)
Sulfuric Acid Mist Judged Cancer Agent
Sulfuric acid mist can cause cancer — and if this commonly-found industrial chemical is used
in your workplace, proper ventilation is an absolute necessity ... (December, 1998)
Medical Removal Protection ...
and More Good News!
A new Methylene Chloride exposure standard adopted by OSHA not only protects workers' health —
but provides wage and benefit protections as well ... ergonomics standard put on "fast track" ... and
anti-OSHA attack bills have died with the adjournment of the 105th Congress ... (November, 1998)
Ergonomics Progress!
After four years of constant Republican attacks in the U.S. Congress, it finally looks like the
tide is turning in the fight for an OSHA ergonomics standard to protect workers ... but the battle is not yet over ...
(October, 1998)
Ergonomic Double-Cross:
Even though some 64% of all reported work-related injuries share a common cause, anti-labor
legislators are rushing to protect the boss in Congress — making sure that OSHA can't act to deal with a serious workplace
problem. (July, 1998)
Under a new OSHA standard, employers must develop a written, comprehensive respiratory
protection program for all workers who are required to use respirators on the job and, for the first time, requires
employers to provide respirators under working conditions that are immediately dangerous to life and health. (April/May,
Choking the Life out of OSHA:
The last thing big-business politicians want is for worker safety to get in the way of profits — and
they're lining up again to choke OSHA to death to make sure it doesn't happen. This time, the attack is called the
"Regulatory Improvement Act of 1998" ... (March, 1998)
Radiation Fallout:
Up to 7,500 people across the U.S., affected by fallout radiation from U.S. government tests in
the 1950s, will — or have — died from thyroid cancer. Senator Tom Harkin is calling on the government to pay for medical
exams of anyone who may have been exposed to these tests. (December, 1997)