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UE's On-line Resources Catalog


• Catalog Index:
the complete list of everything available in our on-line union catalog, complete with prices and links.

• Ordering Information:
here's how to order items listed in our on-line resources section.


• Education:
the UE education department offers materials and workshops for local union training and education.

• Leadership
Web links and resources based on the UE Leadership Guide.

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UE Resources

Welcome to UE's
on-line resource catalog!

Books, pamphlets, training guides, leadership resources, videos, posters, buttons, pins, hats and jackets and more — all to help build strong UE local unions and to let our members show their UE pride.

Our on-line resources catalog is provided for the use of UE members, locals and staff. Visitors are welcome to browse the catalog, however we cannot offer all listed items to the general public (sorry!). Items available to the public are noted (if you're not sure, check the catalog index. Before placing an order, please check ordering information.

New Catalog Items

Here are the items we've added most recently to our on-line collection: New: UE Jackets, Sweatshirts (hooded and crew), Sport Shirts and more!

UE History

Our selection of UE and Labor history books, videos and pamphlets (including Labor's Untold Story).

Local Union Tools I

From pensions to strikes to materials for stewards: pamphlets, books and booklets to help build effective UE local unions.

Local Union Tools II

Videos on workplace issues and topics ready to be used in local union education.

Kits & Special Resources

The UE Leadership Guide and the UE Steward's Kit.

Global Economy

Information about the global economy and the need for cross-border worker solidarity.

Cartoon Books;

Cartoon books back in stock! Laugh in the face of adversity — and show your solidarity with these UE posters.

Buttons, Stickers & Pins

UE buttons, pins, briefcases, window decals, stickers and more ...

Jackets, Hats & Shirts

Show you're proud to be part of your union in a UE jacket, hat or t-shirt!

En Espaρol

Books, pamphlets, kits and videos available in Spanish.

Video & Audio
Tapes — Special & Classic

Special video and audio tapes, ranging from current titles to Fred Wright animations to historic films from the UE archives.

Videos - General Topics

Here's our general collection of videos available for loan to UE locals and members.

Ordering Information

Here's how to order from our resources catalog. Please read this information carefully!

Index (the complete list, with prices and links)

The complete list of items described in our on-line resources section. "Goto" links will take you to the resources page where the item is shown.

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