UE On-line Catalog
UE History
Our selection of UE and Labor history books, videos and pamphlets (including Labor's Untold Story)
Them and Us: The Struggles of a Rank-and-File Union
James J. Matles & James Higgins
Written by UE's first Director of Organization, James J. Matles, Them and Us, The Struggles of a Rank-and-File Union has been the most exciting history of UE available since it was released in 1974. With more history to tell, Them and Us was updated in 1995 to include more of the stories and struggles of UE members and their union. 331 pages.
$6.00 for UE Members $14.00 to the Public
Labor's Untold Story
Richard O. Boyer & Herbert M. Morais
Now in it's 3rd edition/26th printing!
The adventure story of the battles, betrayals and victories of American working men and women. Extensively researched, yet highly readable, history of the U.S. labor movement from the Civil War through the Eisenhower Administration. Widely regarded as a classic study since it was first published in 1955, the book documents labor-management conflict from the workers' perspective. Topics range from William Silvis's attempts to admit women and blacks into the labor movement; the first nationwide strike; the Justice Department's use of "red scare" tactics to break the great steel strike of 1919, to the "eclipse" of Joseph McCarthy. More about Labor's Untold Story...
One of the very best histories of the U.S. labor movement, now in it's third edition,26th printing. 380 pages. Also available in Spanish.
Quantity Pricing is Available
$9.00 for UE Members $15.00 to the Public
Solidarity and Democracy: A Leadership Guide to UE History
Solidarity and Democracy is an exciting short history of UE — a story of struggle and determination. Framed within the history of labor, politics and workers' struggles in the 20th Century, Solidarity and Democracy vividly portrays UE's determination to remain a militant, democratic, rank-and-file union. 92 pages of powerful reading; more than 60 photos and illustrations (included in the UE Steward's Kit; also available in Spanish).
$4.25 for UE Members $7.00 to the Public
Un-Americans, The: Bearing Witness to an American Inquisition
A BBC Timewatch Special Series
Here's a special opportunity to see a powerful film. A nation — and a union — ripped apart by accusations of "communism." In that hateful and destructive period, who were the real "un-Americans?"
The Un-Americans, produced by the BBC's Timewatch unit, confronts us with the stories of those who made the accusations — and those who suffered. Meet UE members who fought valiantly to defend their union from corporate-manufactured hysteria — and those whose reckless meddling weakened the labor movement. In three segments: the crusade against UE and progressive labor is covered in program 2; viewers hear from friendly and unfriendly witnesses who took the UE battle to Washington in program three.
The Un-Americans appeared on British TV in 1992, acclaimed as courageous new television. U.S. audiences later saw a significantly reduced and altered version on the Arts and Entertainment (A&E) cable network.
Three 50 minute episodes • VHS Video
Available on Loan for UE Members Not Available to the Public
Another Voice, Another Vision: Labor Parties in American History
Based on a series of articles which first appeared in the UE News, this 38 page pamphlet describes the history of labor and working peoples’ political parties in the United States from the 1820s through the 1990s. ell-designed and well-written, you’ll find fascinating reading about some history you probably didn’t know.
$2.00 for UE Members $5.00 to the Public
Here I Stand
Paul Robeson
Introduction by Sterling Stuckey
No one had more to lose than renowned actor and singer Paul Robeson, who put aside a brilliant career to spend his life battling for black liberation and the civil rights of all Americans. Blacklisted during the McCarthy era, Robeson wrote his now-famous memoir, Here I Stand, as a bold answer to his accusers. Once you've read it, you'll know why this book, originally published in 1958, is still in print and still in demand. 121 pages, Beacon Press.
"This amazing man, this great intellect, this magnificent genius with his overwhelming love of humanity is a devastating challenge to a society built on hypocrisy, greed and profit-seeking at the expense of common humanity." — The New York Times
$10.00 for UE Members Not Available to the Public
Three Strikes: Miners, Musicians, Salesgirls, and the Fighting Spirit of Labor's Last Century
Howard Zinn, Dana Frank, Robin D.G. Kelley
Three great historians tell the tales of three great strikes. Howard Zinn recounts the dramatic tale of the great coal mine strike in Colorado that culminated in the Ludlow Massacre. The story pits immigrant workers against the National Guard, Mother Jones against the Rockefellers, and corporate power against union organizing, a story that is all too familiar today. With Dana Frank, we join a sit-in strike in a Detroit Woolworth's, during the Great Depression, where young women won the attention of an amused and curious public that vilified the "chain-store threat" long before Wal-Mart. Robin D.G. Kelley's tale of a movie theater musician's strike in New York gets at the heart of what defines a worker. Facing the inevitable dominance of sound movies, the musicians failed even to agree on demands, and could not prevent members of other unions from crossing their picket lines. Hardcover, 174 pages, Beacon Press.
$15.00 for UE Members Not Available to the Public
It Happened This Way ...
James Lerner
Humor in the (UE) news from 1948 to 1986: worthy reprints of columns and quips by the former managing editor of the UE News. 58 pages.
$6.95 for UE Members $10.00 to the Public
Vision in the Darkness, A
Sophie Bissonnete
Les Productions Contre-Jour
French title: Des Lumieres dans la Grande Noirceur. Lea Roback, a former UE organizer and lifelong activist is the subject of this Canadian-made documentary. Includes footage of the UE Film Deadline for Action. In French, with English subtitles. (1991)
Running Time: 90 minutes • VHS Video
Available on Loan for UE Members Not Available to the Public