Bye! American
Gary Huck & Mike Konopacki
Their first book — and a classic. A collection of 150 great labor cartoons. Relax with 150 hilarious cartoons guaranteed to drive the boss crazy. 112 pages in large format.
$8.00 for UE Members $10.00 to the Public
Mad in U.S.A.
Gary Huck & Mike Konopacki
Labor's best cartoonists - UE's Gary Huck and partner Mike Konopacki - specialists in driving Them crazy and making Us grin are back again with their third collection of hard-hitting (and hilarious) cartoons. Get mad - and laugh - by getting yourself (or your local) a copy of Mad in U.S.A! 112 pages.
$8.00 for UE Members $10.00 to the Public
Two Headed Space Alien Shrinks Labor Movement
Gary Huck & Mike Konopacki
Twenty years later, Gary Huck and Mike Konopacki are still fearlessly hilarious as they punish politicians, belittle bosses and skewer those who attack the working class. Laugh back with “Two Headed Space Alien Shrinks Labor Movement” (it’s Mike and Gary’s fifth cartoon collection) ... then fight back!
$10.00 for UE Members $15.00 to the Public
Working Class Hero
Huck/Konopacki Labor Cartoons IV
Another classic. These cartoons "laugh in the face of power and greed - and encourage us to do likewise." A collection of about 150 wonderful 'toons that will brighten your day. (UE News story ...)
$10.00 for UE Members $15.00 to the Public
So Long, Partner!
Fred Wright
More than 150 classic cartoons that continue to stand the test of time by UE's resident artist for almost 40 years, Fred Wright. From the boss to our homes, Fred knew how to capture the strug-gle for dignity and justice in a way that made every boss wince at the truth. 95 pages.
$3.00 for UE Members $4.95 to the Public
Fifty Years of Fred Wright
For cartoon buffs and anyone interested in labor history. Compiled by Fred Wright's son, this volume of work by UE's cartoonist for many years provides a half-century of laughs—and a visual record of an incredible lifetime. Includes a brief autobiographical account of Fred's early years and how he found his way to UE.
$15.00 for UE Members $20.00 to the Public
UE 60 Years of Struggle Poster
Commemorative Poster from the 1995 UE Convention.
This is a stunning, full-color reproduction of the banner painted by artist Mike Alewitz at the 60th National UE Convention. Featuring the labor themes of solidarity and struggle, bread and roses, the banner was created around the Preamble to the UE Constitution. Suitable for framing, the poster is 23 1/2" by 18 1/2".
$3.00 for UE Members $6.00 to the Public
A Woman's Place: A Warrior in the Struggle for International Solidarity
Full-color reproduction of the historic mural by internationally renowned artist Juana Alicia, located in the UE Local 506 Hall. The mural depicts historical and current labor struggles representing the journey of working women over the last century, and the link of solidarity between the UE, F.A.T., and workers internationally. 37" x 12”.
$3.00 for UE Members $3.00 to the Public