Stalled Talks
At Western Dubuque
Schools Conclude
The UE Local 893-Western Dubuque School District negotiating
committee. Front row, from left, Bill Beyer, Bill Adams, Donna Soppe. Second
row, Wendy Gansen and Don Wohlers. Not pictured, Deb Heisler. |
After months of stalled talks, UE Local 893 concluded
negotiations with the Western Dubuque School District with the assistance of a
mediator. UE-represented school support staff will receive wage increases of
30 cents each year of the two-year contract. Those in the clerical
classification will receive an additional 25 cents over the life of the
contract. Additional credits for education could mean additional increases of
as much as $1 an hour for qualifying employees.
The employer will contribute more towards the cost of health
The union secured changes in contract language for bus drivers
that improve the assignment and pay for certain special trips. Beginning with
the twenty-fifth year of service, workers will gain an extra vacation day each
year for a total of five. A new feature of the contract allows employees aged
55 years or older with 15 years of service to take advantage of early
retirement incentives, including fully paid insurance and a lump-sum bonus.
Serving on the union negotiating committee were Bill Beyer,
Don Wohlers, Wendy Gansen, Bill Adams, Debra Heisler and Donna Soppe.
UE Field Org. Sylvia Kelley acted as chief spokesperson for the
UE News - 04/00