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UE - The Home of Independent Unionism


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UE: The Home of
Independent Unionism

The National Center for
Independent Trade Unionism


Organizing Victory

Organizing in Local 893

Iowa United Professionals have organized and grown since affiliating with UE as Local 893-IUP. Independent unions who affiliate with UE find the support and resources of a national union while maintaining their own local autonomy.

In UE, we are building a revitalized labor movement, one that's not only active and alive in the workplace but in the forefront of struggles nationwide.

UE has a special interest in preserving and enhancing independent unions — we were founded by local independent unions who linked up to form a national union. UE was founded in 1936 by 17 local independents who came together in Buffalo, New York to share their experiences, pool their resources, and to develop plans to help other groups of workers organize their workplaces. Aware of the abuse of power by top-down, bureaucratic unions in the past, these local unions were careful to protect their own autonomy, even as they created a powerful new national union. It's a principle we've been careful to respect ever since.

A Resource for Our Locals

Historically, we see UE as the national home for independent unions. We provide the resources, experience, and assistance to the 150 local unions which form our national union — but UE locals run their own affairs.

Whether it's researching employers; expanding steward systems; developing strategic plans; providing leadership and steward training or providing support for grievance handling and at the bargaining table ... UE is there to help with the resources and experience that only a national union can provide. Yet affiliating unions keep their own autonomy ... manage their own treasury ... and make their own important local decisions. It's something all UE local unions understand and expect.

UE's rank and file principles protect local autonomy and guarantee that the members run the union while providing the resources necessary to operate. That's why UE has become the national center for independent trade unionism in the country today.

Many independent unions have affiliated with UE in just the last few years. To hear from some newly-affiliated members, click here. To contact the UE Independent Unions Department click here.

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