'Winds of Change' Bring
UE to Des Moines Suburb

"The winds of change are blowing in Urbandale" said Kurt
Nelson, Urbandale High School head custodian following the Nov. 11 vote by the school
districts custodians and building/grounds and maintenance and food service workers
and printers for UE Local 893 representation. (12/97)
Spencer School District Goes Union
On Dec. 3 the 113-person Spencer Community School District support
staff voted for UE by a five-to-one margin. "Its been a long time coming,"
said Bev Skinner, a teacher associate. "It was more than needed. We didnt have
a voice ... (12/97)
Independent Union at Quad City
Die Casting Affiliates with UE
Members of the Quad City Die Casting Employees Independent Union
vote to become new UE Local 1174. (12/97)
UE Overwhelms Boss,
Other Union In Glenwood Vote
Organizing by the Glenwood Community School Districts
custodians, food service workers and teaching assistants culminated in a secret ballot
election victory where UE received a strong majority despite concerted management
opposition and intervention by another union. (12/97)
Local 1107 Prevails in
Talks with New Owner
Local 1107 successfully concluded negotiations with the new owners
of Farnam Sealing Systems last month, despite giveback demands. Union members on Nov. 20
ratified a new two-year agreement with significant improvements in wages and benefits.
Second Contract at ABQC
The struggle for their first contract took UE Local 1125 members to
the U.S. Supreme Court and back. The second-ever agreement, ratified on Nov. 23, took
tough bargaining. "We made a lot of progress on this contract," says Local Pres.
Shirley Galica, taking special note of the creation of a committee to combat sexual
harassment and groundbreaking contract language. (12/97)
World of Work
Labor News Roundup
From Indonesia to Europe, Jeff Apter has the latest labor news from around the world ...
Local 404 Members Okay
Star Porcelain Contract
Local 420 members recently ratified a new three-year agreement with
their employer, the Star Porcelain Co. by a margin of approval of better than three to
one. (12/97)
Camacho Honored
By District 10 Council
An immigrant worker who emerged as a key West Coast UE leader,
Humberto Camacho has served the union in a number of roles. A tribute to Camachos 34
years of rank-and-file union activism ... (12/97)
Iowa School Workers
Say 'We're the Union'
"The people are the union. The union is as strong as the people,"
said Chelsea Hunt, a bus driver with the Newton Schools. The union organized by Hunt and
her co-workers in the Newton School District is starting out strong. They voted
112-45 for UE representation ... (11/97)
Pay Protected as Cole-Hersee
Restructures Production
Unity, mobilization and the first strike in more than 20 years mean changes
in production won't threaten pay and jobs at Boston's Cole-Hersee plant. (11/97)
Kenyon College Local
Prevails After 48 Day Lockout
What a difference a rank-and-file union makes Kenyon College workers
find strength in UE, a new contract and one very happy new member. (11/97)
UE Helps Block Iowa
Privatization Scheme
An outcry by union members and other concerned citizens blocked
implementation of an Iowa privatization scheme which would have handed millions of
taxpayers dollars over to private, for-profit agencies. (11/97)
Local 893 Annual Convention:
Committed to Growth
UE Local 893-Iowa United Professionals has grown by more than 600 members in
the last year and local leaders have no intention of letting the forward motion stop. The
local unions annual convention unanimously adopted a resolution committing Local 893
to adopt an aggressive policy of internal organizing. (11/97)
Local 223 Insists on
More Than T-Shirts
General Cable workers, members of UE Local 223, regularly receive
awards for outstanding performance. In negotiations this year, when management seemed to
develop amnesia, they insisted on more than "lip service and T-shirts"
they demanded (and won) an outstanding contract, too. (11/97)
Veteran UE Member
Organizes New Local
A former UE leader lost no time in organizing a new UE local in his new job
... (11/97)
A Banner Convention!
62nd National Convention Coverage
From organizing gains to speakers calling for the AFL-CIO to
confront internal corruption and the need for everyone to confront racism, the UE's 62nd
Convention in Milwaukee was a spirited affair. (10/97)
Plant Saved, Workers Return to Jobs
Despite a bankrupt employer,
missed paychecks and a total layoff, members of UE Local 258 didn't give up the fight to
save their jobs . There were some tense days, but unity and solidarity paid off: their
plant in Windsor, Vermont is back in business. (08/97)
Come-Back Contract
From bankruptcy to the unemployment line, UE
Local 204 members successfully fought to keep their plant open. Now, they've won a new
contract that regains lost ground in an impressive showing of shop-floor solidarity.

New Nafta
Agreement Looms
The Clinton administration is seeking
"fast track" authority to expand the NAFTA trade agreement -- despite the loss
of more than a half-million U.S. jobs under the current treaty. In the meantime, corporate
big-wigs are passing the hat to the tune of $100,000 each to build a war chest to campaign
for the proposal. (08/97)
Local 791 Member
Killed On-the-Job
A swerving pick-up truck on the Ohio Turnpike claims
the lives of a UE Local 791 member and an assistant foreman. The fatalities are the first
involving a bargaining unit member on the toll road in three years, despite often
hazardous working conditions. (08/97)
District Six Opposes
State Store Sell-Off
A Republican governor's plan to privatize
Pennsylvania's State Liquor Stores - at the expense of thousands of living wage union jobs
- has received vocal opposition from UE District Six members. 'It's unionbusting and a
political payoff' clear and simple. (08/97) |