Local 731 Meets
With State Representative
The rank-and-file leaders who attended the UE Ohio Political
Action Day in Colombus on Feb. 17 were encouraged to set up meetings with
lawmakers back home. Carol Miller and Pat Wojtowicz of UE Local 731 did just
As a result, State Rep. L. George Distel from Conneaut’s
Fifth District spoke to the General Electric workers’ local union’s April
9 meeting.
Rep. Distel described his work on the House Education, Labor
and Commerce committees and listened receptively to UE members’ concerns
about the new prison in Conneaut and upcoming GE negotiations. Field Org. Gail
Francis let the legislator know about the difficult first-contract battle
faced by UE members at Glastic Plastics in Jefferson.
With the door opened to communication with their state
representative, Local 731 plans to continue that contact.
UE News - 05/00