Local 1193 Reports Gains
In Contract with St. Mary’s
Nursing Home
The UE negotiating committee at St. Mary’s Nursing Home,
from left, Laverne Ollison, Betty Cox, Piper Teat and Donna Gary. |
Local 1193 reached a new two-year agreement with St. Mary’s
Nursing Home on March 20 launching a training program and provides an
immediate 4 percent wage increase, as well as raises of 4 percent the first
year and 5 percent the second year.
The starting pay for housekeeping, laundry and dietary go from
$5.45 to $6; for cooks, from $5.95 to $6.30; for unit secretary, from $7.30 to
$10. While the union was unsuccessful in reducing the 120-day probation period
for new hires, they will be eligible for benefits after 90 days.
The contract adds two new higher-rated positions, leader
person and floor maintenance.
The employer will increase by $10 its contribution to the
single health plan.
The union and management will collaborate on a program to
provide training for higher-paying jobs. And the Home agrees to educate newly
hired management personnel on the union and its rights and responsibilities.
The Local 1193 negotiating committee consisted of Laverne
Ollison, Betty Cox, Piper Teat and Donna Gary. They were assisted
by UE Field Org. Mindy Williams.
UE News - 04/00