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UE-GE National Contract Negotiations


UE-General Electric Contract Negotiations

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UE has represented thousands of General Electric employees under a UE-GE national contract since 1938.

We are one of only two unions holding a national agreement with GE.

There are 14 unions with GE members which have joined together in the Coordinated Bargaining Committee (CBC) of GE unions.

Negotiations Summaries Archive

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Issues (Online Fliers & More)

UE-GE Contract 2000
Bargaining Goals
— Meeting in Pittsburgh on March 31st, representatives of UE-GE locals from around the country agreed on UE's bargaining goals for the upcoming national negotiations with General Electric in a special statement issued at the conclusion of the meeting ...


GE Attacks Our Medical
Insurance — Again!

Despite the fact that GE can well afford first-class, fully-paid health care for its employees, the company is already campaigning for more medical insurance cost-shifting onto the backs of its workers. Here's the latest example of GE's efforts to "make the outrageous sound eminently reasonable" ... 

Online Fliers (to print, post, distribute):
Insure Our Health – Not GE's Wealth
Prescription For Disaster

Online Fliers:

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Rallies & Solidarity


Get Up-Stand Up
For Contract 2000!

On March 2nd, GE workers across the country wore buttons and stickers saying "Get Up, Stand Up! For Contract 2000." This CBC-wide action underscores the growing determination to achieve major gains in negotiations with GE later this year. Here's the leaflet distributed at all UE-GE locations on March 2nd — print it, post it ... make sure GE gets the message!

GEt Up - Stand Up: for Contract 2000!   

UE Members Rally
For A Decent, Fair
And Balanced Contract

ONTARIO, Ca (June 16th; 23rd): With signs and flags in hand, members of UE Local 1010 at GE's Jet Engine maintenance facility in California hit the streets outside their plant on Friday, June 16th and again a week later, rallying for a decent and fair contract with General Electric ...

ERIE (June 3rd)
: Wearing bright orange t-shirts, carrying banners and sporting buttons, more than 2,500 unionized GE workers rallied on Saturday, June 3rd, in a huge show of solidarity during their current contract negotiations ...

GE Unions Pledge Unity Worldwide — Meeting in Washington, representatives of unions representing GE workers in 20 countries have pledged to work together to build international cooperation and solidarity ... (March, 2000)

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News Stories
UE Local 332 members strike the GE capacitor plant in Ft. Edward, NY over unsettled grievances.

UNSETTLED: Fed up with management stonewalling on several grievances including the issue of seniority in upgrading, UE Local 332 members struck the GE capacitor plant in Ft. Edward, NY over five days from May 4 though 8. Members said a return to the street was a distinct possibility if the company fails to get the message. Pictured at center (with sign) is Local 332 President Joyce Sumner; to her left is Local 332 Financial Secretary Dave Steans. 

GE retirees campain for ... and win pension increase   

GE Retirees Demonstrate
For Higher Pensions — 
Win Increase!

The hard work and perseverance of GE retirees and members for a pension increase has paid off with GE's announcement of its first pension hike in more than three years. Although it's a step  in the right direction, the announcement still contains some disappointments ...

  • Read the UE News report on the retiree demonstrations and pension increase ...

UE Local 1010 Protests Job CutsUE members in Ontario, California have been angrily demonstrating against GE's announced plan to transfer 125 aircraft engine repair jobs to Scotland and Brazil. But the GE's plan for more exploitation may have run into trouble as the result of a union organizing drive in Scotland (UE News; February, 2000).

Local 1010 members protest GE's announced job cuts ...

GE Refuses Retirees' Pension Increase — Despite a grossly overfunded pension fund, GE has, at least for now, rejected UE's appeal for the first pension increase for its retirees in more than three years. Here's what the company says ... and why we know it's hogwash ... (January, 2000)

UE-GE Conference Board News — With the current UE-GE national contract set to expire, Conference Board delegates begin hammering out proposals for a new agreement ... (Also, here's our UE News Conference Board meeting coverage) (December, 1999)

Short Takes — GE competes against the world ... Local 506 marks MLK Day; works for unity ... GE's 'spirit of giving' buys influence ... and more!

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Cooperation with GE? Stop, Look, Listen, Learn ... and Organize! — With sales and profits soaring, GE continues to chant "cooperation" as the route to job security and "worker empowerment." Here's what the chanting is really about ... and what we can do about it ...

Some GE Bargaining History You Should Know — [UPDATED for 2003] Here's a brief history of union bargaining with General Electric that answers many commonly-asked questions about how bargaining takes place and the role of the Coordinated Bargaining Committee (CBC) of GE unions ... 

At Any Cost: Jack Welch, General Electric and the Pursuit of Profit — The costs and consequences of GE's relentless pursuit of profit under CEO Jack Welch are detailed in what our reviewer calls "a book that GE workers will not want to miss" ...

GE and PCB's: Reflections and Lessons — Despite posing as a good environmental citizen, GE is one the USA's worst polluters, routinely fighting to avoid paying for the damages it's created. A case in point: the ongoing, years-long struggle over the use and dumping of PCB's in New York ... vividly remembered by UE Local 332 ...

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