
Election Day,
Some Americans
$poke Louder
Than Others
American voters have spoken — although some have spoken louder than
others. They are the super-rich, who contributed to both major
presidential candidates to protect their gold-plated
Take, for example, the wealthy who call Manhattan’s
fashionable East Side (New York City’s 10021 Zip Code) home. They
gave heavily to both George W. Bush and Al Gore. So did
the Inside-the-Beltway elite. The Washington, D.C. metro area gave
more to "outsider" Bush and to Gore than any other
spot on the map. The major party candidates both got big bucks from
Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Atlanta, too.
Actually, Bush and Gore got hefty contributions from
wherever there are corporations, stockbrokers, banks and high-powered
law firms.
The Republican and Democratic contenders both received
contributions from many of the same sources: Morgan, Stanley, Dean
Witter & Co., Goldman Sachs Group and Ernst & Young, to name a
As of last month, the firm of Ernst & Young was
Gore’s biggest contributor, with $132,625. The global financial
services company was also Bush’s fifth largest contributor but gave
the Republican candidate more — $174,449.
The single largest contributor to the Bush effort was MBNA
America Bank, with a whopping $233,425. MBNA Corp. bills itself as
"the world’s largest independent credit card issuer;" it also
contributed to the Democratic Senatorial campaign.
Among Bush’s top contributors were lawyers and law
firms, real estate interests, securities and investment firms, health
professionals, insurance companies, general contractors and construction
Among Gore’s top contributors were lawyers and law
firms, real estate interests, securities and investment firms, health
professionals, insurance companies, general contractors and construction
Sound familiar?
High-tech money also poured into the 2000 campaign right
along with contributions from traditional sectors. Microsoft employees,
including chief operating officer Robert Herbold, were prominent early
contributors to the Bush campaign; they had given a total of $26,000 by
February. Then again, Gore had received $18,250 from Microsoft employees
in the same period.
According to the latest figures, Bush raised $184,228,804.
Among the most energetic fundraisers was the giant Houston law firm of
Vinson and Elkins, which specializes in advising the gas, oil and
electricity business. Another was Fred Webber, president of the
Chemical Manufacturers of America, who organized Chemical Industry
Executives for Bush.
"Al Gore has already raised more money than any
Democratic presidential candidate in history, some of it from the very
industries he says he opposes," noted the Labor
Party Press
in November (see also: Labor Party Press, May, 2000: "Cesspooling
Their Dollars"). The newspaper pointed to Gore’s sizeable
contributions from the health care establishment and insurance, drug and
energy companies. According to the latest available figures, Gore had
raised $133,113,452.
(In contrast, Green Party presidential candidate Ralph
Nader had raised not quite $6 million.)
These figures give credence to predictions in the summer
of 1999 that this would be most expensive presidential campaign ever. In
the first half of 1999 Bush had raised more than $50 million — more than
any other presidential candidate in history in that short time span. The
biggest donors were lawyers and law firms which gave more than $1 million,
among them firms advising energy corporations.
Concerns about the power of big money in elections aren’t
new, although neither is indifference on the part of those who benefit.
Founding Father John Jay, who thought the Electoral College was a
neat idea, had no objection to the influence of the wealthy. "The
people who own the country ought to run it," he argued.
"There are only two important things in politics. The
first is money and I can’t really remember the second," said Marcus
Hanna (1837-1904).
He would have known. Rallying fellow capitalists in
defense of big business against the political threat posed by workers and
farmers, he raised the unheard of amount of $10 million from tycoons to
assure the election of Republican William McKinley in 1896. (Hanna
himself owned coal and iron mines, shipping and shipbuilding firms, a
bank, a newspaper and a street-railway system.)
The blatant unfairness of big money’s role in elections
resulted in a ban on corporate contributions nearly a century ago. Well,
kind of.
After the Watergate scandal of 1972, federal election laws
limited individual donors to a maximum of $1,000 to any given candidate.
But candidates of both major parties have been very adept in avoiding the
Big companies "bundle" individual donations.
Once top executives, their spouses and children and assorted flunkies
have each given a grand, the contributions begin to look like serious
political money. Also, industry lobby groups can donate up to $5,000 per
election to a candidate through PACs.
("Soft money" allows companies to make large
donations provided the money doesn’t go to the candidate but to the
political parties for "party building activities" and voter
education. "Today, corporations, unions and wealthy individuals
give unlimited — I repeat unlimited — contributions of soft money to
the political parties," says Sen. Russ Feingold of
The Labor Party calls for an end to corporate domination
of elections, proposing a financial cap on what candidates can spend,
full public financing of elections, and fully financed equal media time
for candidates with proven popular support.
With real reform, perhaps some voters wouldn’t speak
that much louder than others.
UE News - 11/00
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