The Local 1161
negotiators, seated from left, Karin Jandt, Doris Koopman, Sharry
Niedfeldt and Sheila Rugg; standing Diana Bellaire and Ron Loe.
Shop-floor activity by UE Local 1161 members secured memorable
gains in a new contract with Spartek, Inc., a manufacturer of plastics
"I think that we did pretty well," says Local
Pres. Karin Jandt. "We got the biggest raise increase that I can
Wages increase $1.05 over the three years of the contract,
with a wage increase of more than 5 percent in the first year. Other
improvements affect the sickness and accident benefit, vacation, shift
premium, and probation.
Members took their concerns to the workplace, wearing stickers
to let management know that a substantial wage increase was needed to settle
this contract.
Local 1161 members ratified the contract on Dec. 1.
The UE bargaining committee consisted of Karin Jandt, Doris
Koopman, Sharry Niedfeldt, Ron Loe, Sheila Rugg and Diana Bellaire.
They were assisted by UE Field Org. Lynn Swiertz.