Coach & Car Strike
Contract Fight Continues
Local 1114 members are back to work
at Coach & Car; the struggle continues. |
Buoyed by a favorable ruling by the National Labor Relations
Board, UE Local 1114 members at Coach and Car voted to end their strike and
return to the Elk Grove Village plant.
The strikers returned as a group on Oct. 25 and are continuing
their struggle for a new contract on the inside. A recent stewards’ election
demonstrated the strength of workers’ democratic in-shop organization.
The Labor Board upheld most of the key charges filed by the
union, backing UE’s claim that the company had made fair bargaining
impossible. Therefore, the company has no legal right to impose any of the
cuts it had been demanding.
On Oct. 29, UE representatives testified before the City
Council, giving support to a strong ordinance that would regulate temporary
agencies. Only four Coach and Car workers crossed the picket lines; the
company kept the plant open with the use of day workers procured from
temporary agencies.
UE members enjoyed the support of the Chicago area’s Jobs
with Justice chapter and the Day Labor Organizing Project, which worked with
the union to limit the company’s ability to exploit temporary workers.
UE News - 11/01