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684 Members Confident of Justice — and First Contract
TEMCO Trial Resumes




UE News: TEMCO First-Contract Struggle Enters New Phase with Start of Federal Trial (7/01)

Press Release: Federal Trial Set for TEMCO; Workers Hold Their Own People's Court (6/01)

UE News: District 6 Meeting Reflects Activities, Concerns Of Busy, Fighting Union (3/01)

UE News: TEMCO Workers Choose UE; Reject Boss's Fear Campaign (1/00)

The trial of The Electric Materials Co. (TEMCO) for numerous violations of federal labor law resumed Oct. 22. With two weeks of trial completed, UE Local 684 members remain confident that their employer will be brought to justice — and a first contract.

The union scored a significant victory when the administrative law judge rejected TEMCO’s attempt to have part of the case against it dismissed.

In the meantime, the company, the union and counsels for the General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board have reached a settlement on allegations that TEMCO delayed providing UE with information necessary for bargaining and for processing of grievances. (On Aug. 28, 2001 company lawyers presented UE Intl. Rep. Debra Gornall with at least one document that she first requested in December 1999.) As part of that settlement, TEMCO agreed to complete other longstanding information requests by Sept. 14, and to post a notice in the plant for 60 days acknowledging its delays and pledging to comply with the union’s request for relevant information.


The trial before an NLRB administrative law judge began July 9, prompted by a complaint issued by the Regional Director for NLRB Region Six. The complaint included more than 50 allegations that TEMCO has denied workers their rights under law. The allegations of unlawful conduct by TEMCO include:

  • Firing of an employee because of his outspoken support for the union.

  • Disciplining of several employees because of their union activity.

  • Management disregard for grievances.

  • Multiple unilateral changes in the terms and conditions of employment.

  • Bad-faith bargaining at the table.

During the first week of the trial approximately 25 witnesses, all TEMCO workers, took the stand to speak the truth about their employer’s unionbusting. "Our members made an impressive group," says UE attorney Joanne Koslofsky. "They handled themselves in an incredibly dignified way, and I felt proud to be associated with them."


The second week, beginning Aug. 27, saw testimony by UE District Six Pres. John Lambiase, the union’s lead negotiator with TEMCO, and Intl. Rep. Gornall. Gornall used a number of charts, which she had spent long hours preparing, to illustrate the very lengthy process involved in obtaining from the company information necessary for bargaining. Counsel for the General Counsel (of the Labor Board) then called Plant Manager Ronald Alcorn to the stand as custodian of the company’s records. To the company’s chagrin, Alcorn inadvertently corroborated the testimony by union members regarding certain unilateral changes implemented without giving the union notice and an opportunity to bargain.

The second week of trial concluded following testimony by the employer’s witnesses regarding events leading up to the firing of Ron Lane.

UE News - 10/01 - Web

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