UE Local 299 Leader
Wins Election to New Haven
Democratic Committee
Tina Jendrewski |
Tina Jendrewski, vice president of amalgamated UE Local 299, "got tired of broken promises, from alder-people
right up to the Mayor. Nothing much by way of accomplishments ever got done," she complains. The long-term Circuit-Wise worker
decided to do something about this mess. Together with a woman who is a Yale worker and member of HERE Local 24, Jendrewski was elected
co-chair of the 12th Ward Democratic Committee.
"I will put my UE knowledge to work and take a bite out of City Hall," Jendrewski says.
"I got very upset when they closed a neighborhood school in my ward, and more upset when I found out with others in
my ward about a central kitchen being built on the same property of the school to cook all school meals and deliver to all schools in New
Haven," Jendrewski says. "Than means more traffic in the neighborhood, and trucks coming and going all morning and afternoon in
a neighborhood that does not have sidewalks.
"In my ward we dont have much for our children to do, now that our school is closed. It seems all the efforts go
to parts of New Haven that Yale is in. To me Yale should be doing more for our schools and more in New Haven in general," she
"I have been on the 12th ward Democratic committee for 20 years and will do whatever it takes to shake up City Hall.
I learned quite a lot over the years from the UE, and now I will put my UE knowledge to work," Jendrewski declares.
UE News - 6/02