Local 893-16,
Urbandale Schools,
Ratify New Agreement
The Urbandale Community School district will get 0
percent new money from the State of Iowa next year because of State budget cuts and declining enrollment, but workers united in UE Local
893-16 negotiated a 4.9 percent increase, including wages and insurance.
The District’s budget difficulties have been addressed through cuts in programs and the elimination of several teaching
positions, so workers expected to be treated with respect. Because the District was incapable of costing the contract accurately, a
settlement was reached through mediation.
Thirty cents will be added to the base pay, with step increases resulting in raises of 50 to 60 cents per hour for most
workers. The District’s contribution to insurance will increase to $5,400 per year covering the cost of single health and dental
premiums. Workers who take a flex cash benefit rather than insurance maintained that dollar amount at $3,620 in a year when the teachers’
union accepted a $400 cut.
Negotiating committee members were Sublocal 16 Pres. Tom Dale, Sec.-Treas. Shelley Thomas, Vice Pres. Dale
Bohall, Chief Steward Lester Smith and Carol Hamilton. They were assisted by Field Organizer Jennifer Marsh.
UE News - 6/02