District 10 Council
Hears Reports
Of Successful Struggles
District 10 Pres. Marianne Hart presents a T-shirt to
Local 1421-Kraco negotiating committee member Luis Hernandez, above. Working hard on the transnational quiz presented during a
workshop are (clockwise, from left) Calvin Walker (Local 1014), Bryan Martindale (Local 1421), Mike Rivera (Local 1421) and Terry
Knavel (Local 1004). |
Delegates to the District 10 Council meeting here March 15-16 could take satisfaction from successes in struggles in the
midst of ongoing battles with the bosses.
Members of amalgamated Local 1421 from three shops Stepan Chemical, Kraco and Graham Packaging reported on
ratified contracts with significant gains. During each of the negotiations, shop-floor support proved crucial in pressuring the companies
to meet demands.
Also, Local 1421 members at Industrial Alloys won an important arbitration case arising from last years power
shutdowns. Local 1004 delegates expressed satisfaction with the successful outcome of negotiations with Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial
Hospital on a health benefits contract re-opener. Local 1004 also recently negotiated an in-house registry a way for hospital staff to
earn bonuses for working overtime.
As well as gearing up to fight four unfair terminations, Local 1014 members at General Cable are grappling with "lean
production" and cell manufacturing, delegates reported. Management is pushing these manufacturing techniques, Local 1014 members are
educating themselves on whats at stake for workers.
District 10 showed its commitment to new organizing by allotting District funds for lost-time and making plans for the
first Regional Organizing Committee.
UEs West Coast leaders and activists gained new appreciation for the reach and power of transnational corporations,
through a workshop led by Dir. of Org. Bob Kingsley. Many District 10 employers are part of transnational corporations. A highlight
of the workshop were the transnational fact quiz, which tricked everyone. Delegates also found it interesting to hear different examples
of how UE locals have used international solidarity to pressure employers.
UE News - 4/02