District 7 Hails
Glastic First Contract
photo: District 7 Pres. Joyce Clayborne addresses delegates. Also
pictured, from left, are Rec. Sec. Shawne Wise, Fin. Sec. Bill Callahan and
Vice Pres. Bobbie Nesbit. At left, Nina Williams, Local 799, a district executive board
member, adds to the discussion. |
Delegates to the UE District Seven Council meeting here Feb.
24-25 hailed the successful conclusion of Local 758’s 25-month struggle for
a first contract with the Glastic Corp. in
Jefferson. Local Pres. Bill Lally and Tricia Knam, a negotiating
committee member, proudly reported on their hard-won contract gains — and
expressed their gratitude for the solidarity that helped to make the victory
Shop reports revealed a wide range of conditions, from layoffs
to the introduction of new product lines and overtime. Locals 712 (Kenyon
College) and 766 (Ametek) reported significant gains through collective
bargaining. Several locals could express satisfaction that workers’ jobs and
conditions were successfully defended through the grievance procedure.
District Pres. Joyce Clayborne recommended that the
union’s officers explain how "UE is unique;" she introduced two
out of the three national officers who were there, in a sense, for that
purpose. Genl. Sec.-Treas. Bob Clark and Dir. of Org. Bob Kingsley
detailed a plan for the union’s financial stability and growth. Discussion
of the presentation "A Plan for Our Future" continued over two
sessions. Delegates had numerous questions about the plan, which calls for
budget cuts and increases in per capita. The national officers expressed their
willingness to discuss the plan at the local level.
Education Dir. Carol Lambiase led a workshop on
"Improving and Defending Public Education." She also discussed
regional educational training, stressing more meetings in more locations to
reach more stewards and union activists.
UE News - 04/01