Significant Wage
Increases, Holidays
For Part-Timers
At Flynn Theatre
Local 221 members from the Flynn Theatre Box Office at
their contract ratification meeting. From left, Barbara Phillips, Jeannie
Berryman, Vince Edwards-Orr, Chief Steward Holly Chagnon, Jesse Pasackow,
Rachel Ellis and Simon Riemer Kissam, for whom this was a captive audience
meeting. Hes pictured with Local Vice Pres. Jonathan Kissam. |
Members of amalgamated UE Local 221 employed by the Flynn
Regional Box Office unanimously ratified a new three-year agreement containing
significant wage increases.
The contract creates a new wage scale by raising the current
hire rate 8 percent, from $7.16 to $7.75, and then establishing a 6-year
scale, with 3 percent step increases and 3 percent cost-of-living increases
each year of the contract. Most current employees will receive an immediate
increase of between 47 and 80 cents an hour, with 6 percent (3 percent step
plus 3 percent COLA) increases in the second and third years of the contract.
The negotiating committee also won paid holidays for part-time
workers, a first at the Flynn. Part-time workers who work more than 15 hours
per week will now receive 4 hours of pay on each of 6 holidays. The contract
also gives workers greater ability to get into shows for free, and creates a
Work Environment Committee, so that workers have a regular forum in which to
raise with management issues of health, safety and comfort in the workplace.
The UE negotiating committee consisted of Vance Edwards-Orr,
Local 221 Vice Pres. Jonathan Kissam and Jesse Pasackow. (They
negotiated the contract without staff assistance.)
UE News - 04/01