Local 1004
Takes Campaign
For ISSI Contract
To Los Angeles Hospitals
Picketing in front of the San Gabriel
Valley Medical Center. |
UE members from around Los Angeles,
including District 10 Pres. Marianne Hart, came out to support ISSI workers in
their struggle for a first contract. UE picketed Orthopedic Hospital as well
as the San Gabriel Valley Medical Center. |
Union members have taken their campaign for a first contract
covering food service and housekeeping workers at Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial
Hospital in Valencia to two hospitals here. Both hospitals use the services of
Integrated Supported Solutions Inc. (ISSI), the for-profit subcontractor which
provides dietary and housekeeping services to Henry Mayo.
ISSI workers at Henry Mayo voted for UE representation by a
two-to-one margin in April 2000. In the year since, ISSI has engaged in
delaying tactics and other unionbusting practices rather than settle a fair
On March 23, Julius Menrath, UE Local 1004-ISSI
negotiating committee member, and Leticia Ramirez, Local 1004 leader at
Henry Mayo, were joined by Local 1422 members from Industrial Wire and
amalgamated Local 1421 members from Industrial Alloys, Graham Packaging, Kraco
Enterprises and Stepan Chemicals for protests at the Los Angeles hospitals. UE
members regarded both protests as successes. At days end, Menrath said the
unity of workers proved to be the biggest victory of all.
One of the ISSI owners showed up at the first hospital and
ducked into a back door. At the second, the hospital CEO informed the
protesters that because of the demonstrations, they had already met with ISSI.
Menrath, chief steward for food services and housekeeping,
explained to reporters: "We work in the hospital every day, some of us
feed patients and others clean their rooms, but we cant afford healthcare
for our own families."
Family health insurance at Henry Mayo Hospital costs employees
$288 a month, almost one-third of the average take-home pay. That amount is
out of reach for the majority of ISSI employees which is why only one of
75 employees is enrolled in the program, Menrath pointed out.
UE News - 04/01