Lamson & Goodnow
Members Prevail
In Tough Fight
With New Management
In their first negotiations with new management, the members of amalgamated UE Local 274 employed by Lamson and Goodnow
faced a range of serious concessions for the first time. An aroused and united membership defended the contract and emerged with
Management demanded open-shop language, a weakened grievance procedure, minimal wage increases, substantial changes in
health care coverage and a substantial increase in health insurance costs, and a major surrender of vacation time.
In response, union members employed a variety of tactics to communicate their unhappiness with these concessions. Workers
wore union stickers, shirts and hats, boycotted the company Christmas party, refused overtime, worked five weeks without a contract,
rejected four company proposals and took their struggle public. Union members had planned on informational picketing; the contract was
settled in the meantime.
Union members kept their strong grievance procedure and union-shop clause and fought off managements changes in health
insurance. They obtained more substantial wage increases 3.5, 2 percent, 2.5 percent and 2 percent in a four-year contract while
minimizing the effects of the other concession demands.
The negotiating committee members were Frank Drew, Tyler Clark, Harry Demers, Bruce Rowland and Becky Allen.
They were assisted by UE Field Org. Paul Ryan.
UE News - 3/02