New Local 279 Officers
SALEM, Mass.
The newly elected officers of UE Local 279 took the oath of
office on Sunday, March 18 at the regular union meeting. Local 279 represents
all the union-eligible workers at the Atwood & Morrill Co. in Salem, Mass.
Local 279 members manufacture small-to-large industrial-type valves for the
nuclear power industry as well as other heavy industries and municipalities.
Pictured, from left to right, are: Art Tache (drafting steward), Mark Grunst
(shop steward), Jim Harris (recording secretary /shop steward), Pat Cox
(president /secretary-treasurer), Paul D’Entremont (shop steward-second
shift) and Steve Arrigo (chief steward). Missing from the photo are Charlie
Dunn (vice president) and Bob Provencher (trustee). Pat Cox, Steve Arrigo and
Paul D’Entremont also serve on the grievance committee. The swearing-in was
conducted by UE Field Org. Andrew Dinkelaker.
UE News - 03/01