Wesco Workers
Demand Credit
For Long Service
'... members went through 250 stickers in three days.
Ingenious sticker slogans included "Vacation? I Can’t Afford to Leave
the Parking Lot!" "Don’t Nickel and Dime Us" and "I Shop
at Payless because I’m Paid Less."' |
The goal of the largely female workforce at Wesco to gain a
$10-wage for senior employees ran counter to the company’s intention of a
cheap settlement. In the end, a united and active membership achieved the
largest-ever wage increase for long-service workers.
Both new hires and veteran Wesco workers, members of
amalgamated UE Local 274, supported the concept of a $10-an-hour wage for
those workers with 12 years or more service. Many of the senior employees had
20 or more years’ service, and had taken part in the long, difficult but
ultimately victorious strike that secured a first contract in 1980.
The company offered increases of 10 cents, 15 cents and 20
cents, considerably less than required.
Union members responded by wearing stickers and UE shirts.
The 20 members went through 250 stickers in three days.
Ingenious sticker slogans included "Vacation? I Can’t Afford to Leave
the Parking Lot!" "Don’t Nickel and Dime Us" and "I Shop
at Payless because I’m Paid Less."
Both the sticker activity and the UE T-shirt day had nearly
100 percent participation.
Union members approved an improved company offer that will
give senior employees increases of 54 cents the first year, 48 cents the
second year and 40 cents the third year. The contract yields increases of 20
cents in each year of the contract to less senior employees. This is the
largest increase ever received by the more senior workers, most of whom will
be earning $10 an hour for the first time in their lives.
Wesco produces capacitors.
The UE Wesco committee consisted of Joyce Burdick, Karla
Durand and Pat Morrison. They were assisted by UE Field Org. Paul
UE News - 03/01