Make a Difference.
It Really Does Matter.
It's no secret — most bosses couldn't care less
about breaking the law when it comes to workers' rights to organize and bargain collectively. From captive-audience
meetings to anti-union terror campaigns orchestrated by well-paid union-busters, many bosses scoff at U.S. labor laws
designed to protect workers. You can help us change this. Join the UE Activist Net.
It's easy. When there's an important struggle where
workers urgently need your help, we'll let you know by email. Mostly, we'll be asking you to only take a minute to visit
our website to send a message to the boss. Occasionally, we'll alert you to a political issue of great importance to
working people. It's really easy.
It's effective. A simple moment of your time can help
make a major difference as you add your voice to hundreds of others, telling scofflaw bosses that we don't like their
misdeeds. Don't worry — we won't overload you with messages. We'll contact you only when it's urgent.
Sign-Up Now! It will only take a moment to add your
name to our UE Activist Net Mailing list. You can easily make changes or even unsubscribe, once you're signed up. And, we
promise, we won't give out your address.