Stepan Workers
Make Gains in
New Contract
These Local 1421 members at Stepan Chemical react
positively to the new contract. |
Stepan workers, members of amalgamated UE Local 1421, have
overwhelmingly ratified a new three-year agreement.
Every worker signed a petition in support of the negotiating committee and
wore UE buttons and daily sticker messages as an expression of unity.
Wages will be increased by 4 percent, 4 percent and 3 percent. Shift
premiums are increased by 10 cents for a total of 50 cents on the swing shift and 60 cents
on the graveyard shift. An additional 25 cents brings the Sunday premium to $1.25. The
annual attendance bonus goes up by $100 to $350.
UE members beat back the companys attempt to place limits on the
meal allowance and instead gained another $1 on the allowance for a total of $8.
An additional $2 brings the pension benefit to $27.50 a month per years of
The new contract allows two dayss paid sick leave without
restrictions (including doctors notes). The settlement provides for three days
personal or emergency use of earned vacation time without loss of the attendance bonus.
Workers will now be able to use vacation time one day at a time.
The contract significantly improves promotions and bumping rights.
Under the terms of the agreement, union members will benefit from any
improvements in vacations, holidays, the medical, dental and vision plans and 401(k) that
are offered to non-bargaining unit employees. New language protects members from any
reduction in insurance benefit levels.
Stepan workers gain an increase of $25 in the shoe allowance, which will
be $150, and five sets of uniforms per year, up from three. These Local 1421 members also
won 1 hour straight-time pay for physical exams, which were previously completely on
workers own time.
The negotiating committee consisted of Chief Steward Gary Edwards,
Bryan Martindale and Keith Mills. They were assisted by UE Field Org. Fernando
Losada and Intl. Rep. Leanna Noble.