"UE reaffirms our solidarity and support for the retired members of
our union," said the convention in calling on the union at all levels "to bring
retirees more fully into the life of the union that they spent such a large part of their
lives building and defending."
Locals are to reach out to their retired members "wherever practical
and possible" to assist with their problems and help in the formation of retiree
organizations; locals are to involve retirees in the UE postcard campaign to defend Social
Retirees and their organizations are encouraged to participate in UE
national conventions and the political action conference. The National union will conduct
a workshop at the national convention if there is sufficient interest.
The Convention called on all districts and locals to immediately select
delegates for the Labor Party convention to assure a strong UE presence. "At the
convention UE will work to influence the Labor Party to adopt a bold plan of
organizational and political outreach, such as sponsoring a Labor Party national campaign
for real health care reform."
The Convention also urged those UE locals not affiliated with the Labor
Party to do so "as soon as possible," and called on all UE leaders to join the
Labor Party. Older and larger UE locals were requested to assist smaller and newer locals
with their Labor Party work.
The National union was requested to provide Labor Party materials to
locals, to give them "the necessary information to educate and inform their
membership as to the positions of, and need for, the Labor Party. Locals should make this
material available at all membership and stewards meetings, and should consider holding a
Labor Party workshop at the local level with the assistance of the National union."