A Growing Party
With Big Plans

The Labor Party is on its way.
The partys successful First Constitutional Convention in Pittsburgh
Nov. 13-15 approved plans for electoral activity and recruitment and launched major
national campaigns for national health care and workers rights.
The nearly two and a half years of growth and activity since the founding
convention resulted in more delegates: 1,414 from 46 states, compared with 1,365 at the
June 1996 founding in Cleveland.
More than half of these delegates came from union ranks, including six
international union delegations and 177 affiliated locals and regional bodies. The Labor
Party convention was the largest single gathering of union leaders since the AFL-CIO
convention, which took place in the same hall in September 1997.
UE was very much in evidence. With 106 delegates, UE boasted the
second-largest international union delegation. The delegates came from almost 50 UE locals
and every district.
Genl. Sec.-Treas. Bob Clark, who serves as
co-chair of the Labor Partys Interim National Council, welcomed delegates to
Pittsburgh; pictured at right is OCAW Pres. Bob Wages, who was a convention co-chair.
Clark said the convention sent a clear message to politicians that working people cannot
be taken for granted.
UE rank-and-filers served on convention committees (listed below) and went to the floor microphones during
debate. Genl. Sec.-Treas. Bob Clark, a co-chair of the partys Interim
National Council, greeted delegates on behalf of the party leadership and his union. Dir.
of Org. Bob Kingsley emceed the rally that launched the LP campaign for Just Health
Care. Genl. Pres. John Hovis spoke up for solidarity.
UE staff, too, played an important role in convention committees and the
detailed work of such a huge undertaking a fact noted by London, Englands Independent
The news media came from far and near to cover the convention and had
plenty to report. Speakers like consumer activist Ralph Nader, crusading film maker
Michael Moore and Canadian Auto Workers President Buzz Hargrove
supplied quotable quotes. The march and rally made good "copy," too. And then
there were the delegates.
Interviewed individually or quoted while speaking on the floor, they were
forceful, committed, passionate and sometimes downright argumentative. And at this
democratic convention, every point of view had its say.
UE Members and Staff
Who Served on Committees
UE members and staff serving on committees were District Two Pres. Judy
Atkins, Local 1193 Pres. Mindy Williams, Intl. Rep. Carol Lambiase and Shirley
Houston of District 11 on the Resolutions Committee; Local 111 Pres. Duane Yaindl
and Ed Bruno, Organizing Committee; and Audrey Neff of the UE Legal Dept.,
Constitution Committee.
Previous - Next
UE News
Labor Party Convention Coverage
From a UE
perspective, here's a look at the Labor Party's First Constitutional Convention ...
Page One
Page Two
Strategies, Campaigns and Growth
Page Three
Just Health Care (rally and campaign)
Page Four
Speakers (Ralph Nader, Michael Moore, Buzz Hargrove, Cecil Roberts,
Henry Nicholas, George Becker
Page Five
Solidarity Highlights Struggles, Champions
All photos
© Ron Flowers
Labor Party Convention
Here are the
event-by-event summaries distributed to the delegates attending the Labor Party's First
Constitutional Convention.
Chapter Convention
Day One Summary
Convention Opens
Day Two Summary
Campaigns Launched ...
Three Summary
Finalizing the Convention |