Local 893 President Dan
Although the membership of the state-wide union is at an
all-time high, UE Local 893, Iowa United Professionals places critical
importance on organizing.
Addressing a unified and positive state convention here
September 25, Local Pres. Dan Kelley said the times demand that
"we get a lot bigger, fast" by organizing private-sector social work
agencies. He said there are 1,000 workers in such agencies in Linn and Johnson
Despite the difficulty achieving 100 percent membership in a
so-called "right-to-work" state, a number of Local 893-represented
work units have achieved just that. They were recognized with certificates and
Local Vice Pres. Bill Austin will be taking a leave of
absence to service UE locals in the western half of the state, with an
emphasis on internal organizing within Local 893 workplaces.
Chris Townsend, UE political action director, accused
those unions that have endorsed Al Gore for President of either lying
about Gore’s record or at least lying by omission. He blasted Gore’s part
in the Administration’s "Reinventing Government" scheme that has
made a mess of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Although Iowa’s new governor has pledged to oppose
privatization, Townsend recommended a meeting with Gov. Tom Vilsack to
determine the status of ongoing privatization efforts.
Field Org. Sylvia Kelley and Intl. Rep. Greg Cross
conducted a workshop on grievances.
Becky Burke and Pat Hasenclever reported on their visits
to Mexico this year as part of the Worker-to-Worker exchanges sponsored by
UE and the Authentic Labor Front (FAT). Nearly every delegate to the state
convention has signed a "Solidarity Dues Card" that authorizes a $1
dues deduction for the UE-FAT Solidarity Fund.
Local 893 members took up a collection for UE
Local 150 members in North Carolina, who are also public-sector workers,
who had been victims of Hurricane Floyd.
The convention was also addressed by UE District 11 Pres. Carl
The convention unanimously endorsed candidates for District 11
office: Bill Austin, District 11 Southeast Coordinator; Dan Kelley,
executive board; Mary McElroy, trustee.
Elected as district officers are: Dan Kelley, president; Bill
Austin, vice president; Becky Burke, secretary; Gary Walker, treasurer;
Neal Boeding, three-year trustee; Mary Lou Welter, two-year
trustee; and Pat Morrissey, one-year trustee.