UE Members Prove Boss Wrong
Contract with Town
Contains Longevity Pay
The cable TV channel that regularly
broadcasts the Town of Montagues selectmens meetings also carried scenes like
this, as UE members publicly indicated their unhappiness the towns final
offer. Not long after, management reconsidered.
In negotiations earlier this year, the town insisted that there would
never be longevity pay for municipal workers employed in the towns Department of
Public Works and waste-water treatment plant. These members of amalgamated UE Local 274
proved the boss wrong, using the same principles of unity and aggressive action the union
uses in the private sector.
The membership unanimously rejected the towns final offer in early
June and vowed to keep fighting until the contract included longevity bonuses.
UE members picketed the selectmens meetings and handed out leaflets
at the annual town meetings. The cable TV station which regularly broadcasts the
selectmens meetings covered the picketing.
Not long after, the town met with the union bargaining committee and
agreed to longevity pay. The membership overwhelmingly ratified the new agreement on July
The settlement calls for a 3 percent increase in each year of a three-year
contract, with each worker receiving an additional 3 percent at his or her 10-year
anniversary. Workers with 15 to 19 years of service will receive a $100 longevity bonus
each year; those with 20 to 25 years will receive a $150 annual bonus, and those with 25
or more years, $200 each year.
The contract also contains an increase in beeper pay, a raise in pay for
waste-water employees who fill in for the supervisor, hepatitis B shots for those who need
them and family and medical leave language.
There were no givebacks negotiated.
The UE committee consisted of Lee Brunelle, Ron Galbraith, Bob Hoynoski
and Fred Lego. They were assisted by UE Field Org. Paul Ryan.