Local Unions at Ohio
College Vote to Merge
Working opposite sides of the same street — literally — UE Locals 767 and
796 have decided to merge into one union local. The new amalgamated local will retain the
number 767.
Antioch College housekeepers, maintenance workers and cafeteria staff organized Local
767 in 1967. Just across the street, the staff of the McGregor School organized their
local union in 1996.
The merger’s "a very positive move, because it helps them, and it’ll
strengthen us, too," said Local 767 Vice Pres. Amy Alexander. "There’s
strength in numbers," said Sue Roderick, chief steward for the McGregor School staff.
Both Antioch College and the McGregor school are part of the federated Antioch
University system; the schools share resources, space, legal counsel and some personnel.
What the two schools do not share is equality in wages and benefits. Alexander says the
UE members in Antioch College will try to bring those employed by McGregor up to their
levels. "They have a lot of years in them, and a lot of experience we don’t
have," said Roderick of her sisters and brothers across the street at the college.
"We’re hoping we can benefit from that experience and that wisdom."