UE Delegation Joins
CBC-GE Rally in Memphis

A UE delegation in Memphis, Tenn. rallies on June 26
in opposition to General Electric’s closing of an IUE-represented lamp plant
and the company’s job-destruction policies. The UE members were attending an
expanded meeting of the Coordinated Bargaining Committee of GE Unions in
Memphis. Pictured from left in the front row are Local 1010 Vice Pres. Marcos
Coeur, Local 332 Pres. Joyce Sumner, Local 506 Pres. Dave Adams, Local 618
Bus. Agent Lynda Leech and Local 618 Pres. Betsy Potter; in the second row,
Local 332 Bus. Agent Bob Brown, Local 1010 Pres. Victor Key; Genl. Pres. John
Hovis; Local 506 Chief Plant Steward David Kitchen and International
Representatives Steve Tormey and Chris Townsend.