Pictured at top, left, are
members of the Manhattan leaflet brigade: Local 243 Chief Steward Tony
Izzo, Jeger Alor of Local 404 (kneeling), Field Org. Keith Willis, Local
243 Pres. Ray Pompano and Field Org. Paul Ryan. At bottom,
left, Tony Izzo gives out the word on Kobe. At right, top is Local 404
Pres. Joe Miglino.
UE exposed Kobe Steel's
unionbusting on June 11, with leafleting outside the Japanese
corporation’s U.S. headquarters in New York City. Meanwhile, at Kobe
plants in Ohio and Indiana on ‘Kobe Workers’ Solidarity Day,’
members of UE and three other unions — PACE, UFCW and USWA — wore
solidarity stickers to let their bosses know they stand united for
justice. Glastic Plastics in Jefferson, Ohio is one of two Kobe
facilities in the U.S. where workers who voted for a union still do not
have a first contract. Workers there are represented by UE Local 758.