Local 121 Reaches
Historic Contract
With Clendenin
C-S Metals Service

Local 121 Negotiators, from
left: Clyde Lambert, John Formwalt (behind Clyde), Chuck Ross, Roy Payne, Dave Conroy, Joe
Danik and Gene Spriggs.
Local 121 reached a new and historic five-year contract on May 28 with
Clendenin Brothers Inc./C-S Metals Service Inc. The previous agreement expired on May 21;
the parties agreed to extend the contract for one week. All wage increases will be
retroactive to May 21.
The contract was overwhelmingly approved by the Local 121 membership.
Wages are increased by 2 percent the first year, 3 percent the second year
and 3 percent in each of the remaining years covered by the contract. Prior to this
agreement, the average wage range at Clendenin Brothers was $11.42 to $13.22; at C-S
Metals the average was $13.45. The contract also calls for a $1,000 signing bonus,
effective immediately.
The pension benefit will be increased by $5 in each year, to reach $23 a
month per years of service by contracts end. Sickness and accident insurance will be
increased by a total of $60 over the five years to $355 a week. Life insurance will be
increased by $2,000 in the fourth year of the contract.
The contract was negotiated by Pres. Dave Conroy, Vice Pres. Clyde
Lambert, Fin. Sec. Joe Danik, John Formwalt, Chuck Ross, Gene Spriggs and Roy Payne. They
were assisted by UE Intl. Rep. Bruce Klipple.