Pyramid Workers
Keep Saturdays Free,
Gain Improvements
In New Contract
The UE negotiating team at Pyramid
Plastics. From left, John Lambiase, Jim Gonzales, Ron Furguson, Joe Toscano and Al Nagy.
Not pictured, Jim Marthaler and Ron Flowers.
Pyramid Plastics workers, members of amalgamated UE Local 683, ratified a
new three-year agreement on Feb. 26. The gains in the contract didnt come easily
it took leaflets in the plant, button-wearing, signs in cars, plant-gate meetings
and near-unanimous membership meetings for the company to realize that workers were
serious about a decent settlement.
In particular, union members objected to the companys demand for
mandatory Saturday work. On Feb. 19, four days after expiration of the previous agreement,
the membership rejected a company offer by a three-to-one margin.
This led to a bargaining session six days later, attended by
representatives of three other UE locals in Erie who came to show their locals
support for the Pyramid workers. The Saturday demand fell off the table.
Highlights of the new contract are wage increases totaling 97 cents, a
45-cent increase in the starting rate, raises in the second and third shift premiums, a
shortened progression schedule and improvements in bereavement leave, vacations and safety
The UE negotiating committee consisted of Ron Furguson, Jim Gonzales,
Jim Marthaler, Al Nagy and Joe Toscano. They were assisted by Field Org. Ron
Flowers and District Six Pres. John Lambiase.