Former Employer Pays $2,250
Local 264 Retiree
Insists on Vacation Pay
UE retiree Edward Grzyb with a check for
vacation pay totaling more than $2,000, obtained through the Massachusetts Attorney
Generals office with the help of Local 264.
Edward Grzyb, a retired member of UE Local 264, had the unions
backing in his successful attempt to collect payment from his former boss.
Grzyb was on layoff from EIS Wire and Cable in South Hadley on Oct. 5, 1998 when EIS
was sold to NEGI, just a month before his scheduled retirement from the wire and cable
manufacturing plant.
He attempted to collect payment for the five weeks of vacation he was owed since laid
off in the late spring of 1998, but received no satisfaction from Marvin Goodless, the
previous owner of EIS.
The retiree filed a complaint with the state Attorney Generals office on Feb. 1,
1999. The Attorney Generals office acted swiftly; an attorney for Goodless quickly
agreed to settle with Grzyb for the entire amount.
On March 5, Grzyb received a check from the Attorney Generals office for entire
amount of vacation pay owed him: $2,250.12
Grzyb was assisted by his local union in pursuing his vacation pay claim. He had been a
UE member in good standing since 1975 when workers at the then-Holyoke Wire and Cable
plant voted to join the union.