Local 155 President
Ray Spinozzi Dies
Remo P. "Ray" Spinozzi
Remo P. "Ray" Spinozzi, a long-time UE member and current
president of Machine Tool & Die Local 155, died March 4 due to complications following
coronary bypass surgery. The husband of UE Genl. Vice Pres. Connie Spinozzi, Ray Spinozzi
was 68.
Born and raised here, Spinozzi spent his entire life in the Norristown
area. He was known for his proficiency in football, baseball and basketball. His father, a
stone mason, instilled in Spinozzi the qualities of family, honesty and hard work;
Spinozzi never compromised with regard to any of these.
Hired into Automatic Timing Controls as an instrument maker in 1967,
Spinozzi became an active member of UE Local 157 and District One. He soon became known as
someone who could always be counted on, and was eventually elected Local 157 president.
Spinozzi was a veteran negotiator whose greatest skill may have been in organizing his
co-workers in militant shop actions over grievances and during contract negotiations. Time
and again Ray and Connie Spinozzi would mobilize job actions, work stoppages and
parking-lot meetings to combat some ill-advised ploy by the boss.
During the energy crisis of the early 1970s, Automatic Timing Controls
management used the excuse of patriotism to lower temperature levels in the shop to a
point where workers could not perform delicate soldering and other operations. Spinozzi
encouraged his co-workers to put on their coats and hats and gather in the middle of the
shop. When a boss asked why workers had stopped working, Spinozzi explained that not only
was it too cold, but everyone had become sick and had to go home. Engineers quickly
adjusted the temperature.
Spinozzis leadership continued after 1985, when Local 157 merged
into amalgamated Machine Tool and Die Local 155. Ray and Connie Spinozzi became district
and local officers and seldom missed a National Convention or District One Council or
Local 155 meeting, or, in recent years, Labor Party events.
Committed to the UE education program, Ray Spinozzi always lent the
locals support to shop leaders, members and field staff in maintaining organization
and involvement among the shops. And he was always available to help out in negotiations
and grievances, to train shop leaders, or just to talk.
Ray Spinozzi worked hard in raising his family, in spending time with
cherished friends and in his commitment to helping others through his UE involvement. He
was a best friend, confidante and soulmate to Connie, his wife of 25 years.
Hundreds attended the viewing, with UE members coming from around the
district and Philadelphia.
In addition to Connie, Ray Spinozzi is survived by sons Scott, Anthony and
Chris; five grandchildren; a brother, Gene and sisters Marie and Gloria; and numerous
in-laws, nieces and nephews.