The UE negotiating committee at M. Chasen and Sons. In
the front row are, from left, Jose Vidiera, Antonio Aracena and Bolivar Merino; at rear
are Manny Chapman and Thomas Walker.
The members of amalgamated UE Local 404 employed by M. Chasen and Son at
plants here and in Irvington on Jan. 9 ratified a new five-year contract that will
substantially improve wages and insurance.
Wages will be increased by 25 cents the first year, 30 cents the second
year, 40 cents the third year, 45 cents the fourth year and 45 cents the fifth year
a total of $1.85 an hour.
The contract raises the hiring rate and calls for a 25-cent increase to be
given to new employees at the end of their probationary period.
Life insurance goes to $3,000 the first year and $3,500 the fourth year.
Paid vacation for employees with five years service increases to two
weeks and three days in the first year; also, workers with 20 years service will
receive three weeks and two days; those with 25 years will receive four weeks. In the
fourth year, employees with 13 years service will get 3 weeks paid vacation.
The new and improved health insurance carries a higher co-payment, but the
company will reimburse workers for co-payments for office visits, and the prescription
plan up to $190 a year. Although there is no dental plan, reimbursement for dental work is
included in this scheme. And workers will be able to receive 50 percent of whatever monies
are left at the end of the contract term. Workers will be required to make contributions
towards premium increases if the increases top 5 percent in the third year, 6 percent in
the fourth year and 7 percent in the fifth year.
The UE committee consisted of Jose Vidiera, Antonio Aracena and Bolivar
Merino from the Irvington plant and Manny Chapman and Thomas Walker from
the Newark plant. They were assisted by UE Field Org. Cris Costello.