Honoring the Dream

A Local 506 contingent, joined by Genl. Sec.-Treas.
Bob Clark, took part in the annual Erie, Pa. Martin Luther King Day March on Jan. 18.
Despite rain and snow, a long line of marchers paraded through the streets of
Pennsylvanias third-largest city. Carrying the banner are Dave Allen, Dennis
Crawford, Local Pres. Dave Adams, Clark, Local Bus. Agent Pat Rafferty and Dennis
McLaughlin. Fin. Sec. Wayne Burnett is in the second row between Adams and Clark.
At left above is a graphic created by the late UE
cartoonist Fred Wright for union shop papers shortly after the assassination of Rev.
Martin Luth King in April, 1968. Many UE locals took the lead in recognizing the slain
civil rights leader by demanding and winning Dr. King's birthday in their contracts before
the day became a national holiday in January, 1986.