Looking Back
Over the Century
UE News, January 2000
The charred remains of
the Triangle Shirtwaist Company, where 146 workers, mostly young women and
immigrants, lost their lives. The tragedy resulted in industrial fire
safety codes, but it took the growth of unions to demand federal
protection of health and safety on the job.
This is a good time, as we begin a new century, to look back
at labor’s progress in health and safety during the 100 years which have
just passed. What is striking as we look back is the great progress which has
been made in protecting worker health and safety on the job, especially during
the past 30 years. And that progress rests in turn on the great struggles of
working men and women to organize themselves into large, strong, vibrant trade
Remember that at the beginning of this past century, the labor
movement was relatively small, with hardly more than a foothold in the great
booming industries of the day: steel, textiles, auto-making and electrical
manufacturing. The unions that did exist were organized largely by craft and
were constantly at each others’ throats, arguing over whose members should
perform which tasks and what union should represent them. Meanwhile, workers
in U.S. industries were dying and being maimed by the tens of thousands in the
steel mills of Pittsburgh, the underground mines of Appalachia and the West,
and in railroad accidents across the country.
During this period one workplace incident, the Triangle
Shirtwaist Fire in New York City in 1911, took the lives of 146 workers, most
of them young women. Workers were trapped in the holocaust by windows which
were barred, doors which opened inward and a fire escape which melted from the
heat of the flames. The resulting outcry focused the attention of the nation
on the carnage going on in U.S. workplaces. The results: passage of industrial
fire safety codes in cities and states across the nation, passage of state
workers’ compensation laws, and increased unionization in the textile
But over the next few decades, from World War I through World
War II, relatively little was accomplished in improving workers’ health and
safety, as unions attended to their first priority — organizing and gaining
a foothold in the largest U.S. industries. This was highlighted by the great
CIO (Congress of Industrial Organizations) organizing drives of the 1930s,
which gave rise to UE and the United Steelworkers and the United Auto Workers,
among others. These efforts were aided by passage of the federal Wagner Act in
1936, which guaranteed workers the legal right for the first time to petition
for and conduct elections to establish unions in their plants.
Gradually during this period, workers gained important health
and safety protections through their union contracts and through use of
grievance procedures to enforce these contract provisions. But these
protections were spotty and, of course, protected only those workers covered
by union contracts.
This was not to change until 1970, with the passage of the
landmark federal Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). This law came
about by an array of circumstances: the strike of organized coal miners
following a terrible mine explosion in Farmington, West Virginia; the failure
of state laws to adequately protect workers health and safety on the job; and
the sharp rise in job injury and illness rates during the 1950s and 1960s. But
none of these was so important or decisive as the strong, united support of
the law by U.S. labor unions. Without the labor movement behind it, this law
might have gone the way of much other needed federal legislation — delay,
weakening of protective provisions and perhaps death by a thousand cuts.
But instead OSHA was passed, largely intact, establishing
minimum health and safety standards for most private-sector employees (and
some public sector employees), and a national system of inspectors with the
right to enter and inspect all covered workplaces. This law has faced strong
employer opposition ever since. In almost every session of Congress since
1970, Senators and Congressmen, supported by large, unregulated corporate
campaign donations, have tried to weaken the law. In most cases they have
failed, thanks in large measure to the strong, steady support of OSHA by the
U.S. labor movement.
A number of important worker protection standards have been
issued under OSHA by the U.S. Department of Labor. Among them are standards to
provide health and safety information to workers and to prevent overexposure
to asbestos dust, lead, noise and other chemical and physical hazards. But
these have been consistently weakened by underfunding the Occupational Safety
and Health Administration, and lack of OSHA enforcement. Currently OSHA is
proposing an important new workplace ergonomics
standard to prevent repetitive strain injuries on the job, including
wrist, arm and back injuries.
But as many of us know, who have tried to make use of OSHA the
law and OSHA the agency and its standards over the years, OSHA the agency
often comes to us with too little, too late. Currently the agency has a
greatly weakened enforcement capacity, conducting fewer workplace inspections
than ever in its history.
However, the importance of OSHA lies not so much in its
standards or enforcement, but in the adoption of its principles in the hearts
and minds of working men and women. Working people today know that among their
inalienable rights is the right to a safe and healthful workplace. When
employers try to undermine this right, they face a firestorm of opposition by
working people and their unions. And this determination of workers to protect
their rights is more important in the long run than the wording of any
particular health and safety standard.
As long as working people, including the members of this
union, firmly insist on workplace protections on the job, their health and
safety rights are secure, no matter what the ups and downs of OSHA. With
worker support on the shop floor, and the continued strong support of health
and safety by unions in every U.S. industry, the future prospects for health
and safety on the job are bright.
And as our collective experience has shown us over the past
century, the union movement is the backbone of health and safety protections
for working men and women. Whether we work on the shop health and safety
committee, the local’s legislative committee, as a local or regional union
officer, or as a rank-and-file union organizer, when we help build and
strengthen our union, we are thereby protecting our own health and safety and
that of other workers.
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