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NAFTA has Already Cost 600,000 Jobs.

Say "NO" to
or Africa!


Since the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1993, more than 600,000 U.S. manufacturing workers have lost their jobs. Big Business handed out lots of money to Republicans and Democrats in order to ram NAFTA through Congress, and now they’re back for more!

The Senate will be voting on the "NAFTA for Africa" bill (S1387/1389) any day now. This disgraceful legislation will make it possible for Big Business to develop a vast network of sweatshops in 48 sub-Saharan African countries. Desperate workers in these countries will work for as little as a dollar a day — and hundreds of thousands of U.S. manufacturing workers will lose their jobs!

The "NAFTA for Africa" bill was cooked-up by President Clinton last year in an attempt to divert attention from his personal scandals. Supported massively by thousands of Big Business lobbyists - and their money - it passed Congress in 1998 when 141 Republicans and 92 Democrats voted for it. The Senate failed to act, so it’s back again this year.

Are you fed up with this? Are you tired of politicians taking corporate money and then passing laws to make it easier for your boss to close your plant?

Tell Congress "NO!"

PLEASE tell your Senators to:

1. Oppose the NAFTA for Africa" bill (S1387/1389).
2. Oppose "Fast Track" schemes to expand NAFTA.
3. Support an investigation of the 600,000 U.S. jobs lost since passage of NAFTA in 1993.

Take Action Today!

1. Call your Senators and tell them to VOTE NO on these bills: phone (202) 224-3121 and ask for your Senators. (Local Congressional Office numbers can be obtained by calling the UE Washington Office (703) 684-3123).

2. Send a letter, or fax your letter to your lawmaker (call for fax #’s):

U.S. Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510

3. Send an e-mail! Most members of Congress are on the web. Visit the Congressional website for their information at

4. Join the Labor Party - and build a political party that will repeal NAFTA and defend our jobs and communities!

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United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE)

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